Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Christmas Goodies

Peter is doing pretty good with finally being weaned. He wakes up at night and comes in my room and we sleep on the loveseat. He's a sweet little boy. I miss nursing, but I'm also glad it's over and I'm glad I still get to snuggle him. 

Corey went and did one more round of Christmas shopping this morning with Abi, Lily, and Sophi, and after they were home we got Christmas goodies ready to deliver to neighbors. Abi wanted to do it, Corey gave her the treats (wrapped truffles) and they started to get them ready in bags, but they needed help, and Corey had to leave for work, so I stopped what I was doing and helped them finish the project. We made lists of people, who needed big bags and who were couples that only needed a small bag. We made tags that said "from the Wrides".

I feel a little sick (morning sickness) and grumpy, and was not in the Christmas spirit much when we were out driving. With 6 kids in tow it is a lot more complicated to drop off a treat than it needs to be... Daniel dragging his paper bag in the snow...

The kids were burping out any and every thought that popped into their mind (they want a puppy)... Wesley kept Peter at home while we went to deliver the treats. I had ALSNOD all with me. 

Owen delivering to one of his Primary teachers - they have done such a sweet job reaching out to the kids each week during this whole pandemic. OD and A going to deliver to the old bishop.
We made a list, but then thought of more people to give it to as we drove around, so some of the people on our original list didn't get anything cause we were already out by the time we got to their part of the neighborhood. Oh well, it's the thought that counts?

Back at home, Wesley showed me the new game that he and Peter had been playing. It's called "Roar" - They go up to each other and make a tough stance and growl as loud as they can - 
Peter making another attack from across the room - 
Corey resigned from his position at Rivet, and so I reached out to get private insurance again a few days ago. I finally got it all taken care of today, yay, and a big thank you Mike Russell. If you need to get private health insurance, give him a call. I hope he gets a commission from Select Health, cause as far as I know we didn't pay him anything last time and aren't going to this time either. Not sure how that makes a sustainable income for him. He's been very helpful though. 

So yeah, getting things taken care of, and we're all ready for Christmas I think. Corey's been doing all the wrapping in his office. Things are good. 

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