Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Furnace Replaced & Stuff

A few pictures from yesterday: Sweet Peter in the morning. He's so cute. I don't even mind (that much) that he has woken me up almost every night for the past almost 2 years. I'm guessing I will like being able to sleep through the night someday, but I sure love snuggling with him. 

Don't love it as much when I'm stuck and can't get away from him in the morning to take carpool, but it's ok, and he's a sweetie. Taking a nap yesterday my arms. 

Little rosy cheeks, so cute. Lily made this little lego set yesterday. She is qutie creative. 

Today I was on the phone a bit with Mike Russell, getting our insurance set up. Also the repair guy from Valley Wide Heating and Air was here for a few hours putting in a new furnace. It stopped working on Saturday, we kept the house warm with the oven on Sunday, they did a quick fix yesterday but said that it needed to be replaced. I texted our landlord and neighbor to let her know. We were planning on doing it ourselves, cause they've given us a crazy good deal renting here for the past 10 years. Zillow estimates that to rent our home it would be $2931. We are paying over $1000 less than that. Zillow also says a mortgage payment would be $3763. She and Corey texted about it, and she said there will be an increase starting 2021 and every year after that, which is more than fair, they've been so kind to us. We are so lucky to be here. It is still a miracle that I remember often, that we were able to come back here to this neighborhood after 9 months living internationally, and that it worked out perfectly with the previous people who were renting here, they just finished their home at the end of April 2011, and we were back the beginning of May. AND they also held the house for us, without making us pay rent, when we went to Brazil in 2015 for a few months. They are just the nicest. So, yeah, we owe them big time.  

I'm feeling sick and blah, I don't exercise really anymore other than some handstands. I feel like my desire to exercise has just dropped off a cliff, it's kinda weird. Like if the me from 10 years ago saw me now, I think she'd be like "No no, oh no you don't, you will exercise!" I saw a facebook video by a Laura Dixon on being naturally thin vs. dieting and losing weight, she talked about our body being a vase, and we overflow it with too much water (food) so we exercise and do all this stuff to try and clean up the spilled water. "Why not just get a smaller vase, and don't let it overflow!" Yes. I need to change my thinking. Need to stay busy. Need a total health makeover. So I'm feeling a bit sick and am struggling. I'm glads the kids usually help out when I'm in a bad spot. They cleaned the main floor for me yesterday. 💓

A few more pictures - Abi made cupcakes tonight and I let them have frosting to decorate. Photo courtesy or some kid, I don't know who. 
And I've been having the girls do violin recitals for my dad's cousin Dennis, and we send him the unlisted video over youtube. 
It is a kinda good way to get them to practice when they don't have any Christmas recitals or anything to look forward to or to compel them to practice. 

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