Friday, December 18, 2020

Games and Errands

I went by Walgreens yesterday to find a few things to send to Mel and Ethan. I had found some unique gifts there when I was sending a package to Joseph on his mission, so I went there again but didn't have much luck. I ended up just getting some chocolates to send to Dennis and Judy (my dad's cousins that I learned about back in Sept) and a Utah-opoly game that I think I'll get for us for Christmas. We have so many games but we don't play them, so I told myself I really shouldn't buy another one until we are regularly using the ones we have, buuuut then I got it anyway. And I'm going to make sure we start to play with our games soon. We did play a game this past Sunday with the 100 metallic dice I bought. I had seen some Tenzi dice at Scheels when Corey and I were out Christmas shopping two weeks ago, but I resisted the impulse. ...and then ordered some less expensive but just as good ones on Amazon. Us playing on Sunday...

And also from Sunday, the girls doing a puppet show with the little weird bunnies that they make out of fuzzy gloves...
Lily was the creator of this game, and all her younger siblings following her lead
Simple fun. 
Anyway, yeah, I'm still running errands this week. Then yesterday I went by the post office to mail those small Christmas letters to Dennis and Judy, and the packages to Mel and Ethan, and then I drove to my parent's house to wish my dad a happy birthday. I have good parents. I'm grateful for how they've helped mold me into the person I am and for my siblings and for the life I have. Grateful for this humble home we were all raised in. 
My mom and I talked about Mr. Rogers. I think I'm the one who started my parent's family being on a Mr. Rogers kick, but he really was amazing. She had a few things on her fridge and said she's buying Mr. Rogers books for everyone for Christmas. Should be fun!
Festive Christmas lights....
Today was online Friday and the kids didn't have school in person, so it was a good day to have Natalie get an eye exam. I thought I caught her crossing her eyes a few times this past week. 
Good news is that she checked out ok and doesn't need glasses, so maybe she was just being weird. So that's good to know that her eyes are good. Life is good, it's all good. It's a busy time of year, but I'm glad that it's not as busy as it usually is. I'm enjoying the slowed paced of life that this holiday season has given us (trying to focus on the positive). 

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