Saturday, December 12, 2020

Melodie is 20!

Happy Birthday to Melodie in far away Indiana! We've got another 20 year old. I guess that means that we're getting old... We sure love her and miss her face! She was able to call and it was fun to see her, as always. We'll talk to her again on Monday. I'm sure she'll share in her weekly email what she did for festivities. Today she was happy to just see Peter and her little brothers and sisters. 

We did not have cake and ice cream here on her behalf. We'll have plenty of junk food soon enough with Christmas coming up in two weeks. People are starting to send around gifts and goodies. The kids want us to do something too, but I haven't gotten anything going yet. I don't think we can/should do our usual plate of baked good with covid, so we'll see. What else is going on here. I got a cute video of Petet and Sophi playing cars. Peter loves cars. He loves McQueen, Mater, Mack and all of them. We left our Cars dvd in Hawaii. I called to see if they found it but they said they didn't, so that's too bad. Now we're stuck watching Cars 2 most of the time, and that one really is so dumb. But Peter likes it. We have all the movies via Disney+ but we might need to fork out some money to get Cars 1 in dvd format again to save us from Cars 2. Today he had Sophi play crash the cars with him.
Once she started to play, he wouldn't let her stop, and if she tried to stand up and walk away, he'd pout and point at the barstool to tell her to come sit back down.

I love seeing the older kids play down to Peter and Daniel's level. They are all very good to Peter, and they are usually pretty good to Owen and Daniel too, even though O and D do get very loud and bothersome sometimes. But I love our large family and feel so grateful to have each of them in our life.

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