Friday, December 11, 2020

Sundown Runaround

It happens everynight... The sun goes down, and the boys begin to run around. They run circles on the main floor, screaming, chasing, squealing, laughing, wrestling, hitting, crying, making up, repeat... Peter is starting to get in on the action, which is pretty cute to watch...

They'll often wrestle in the front room, sometimes we can get them to go up into our room to fight it out, giving the girls more of a chance to practice their instruments in the front room or music room. Look at Peter taking on both of them! 

Pretty funny. He is starting to hold his own, it's cute. He's almost two years old, crazy. 

Tonight Corey and I went out to India House for date night. They do not currently have dine in, cause covid cases are pretty high here in Utah at the moment. We got take out and went to eat in the Sandy Amphitheater parking lot. There's an ok view of some valley lights from there. We talked about Trump and the misinformed Americans who support him. Sorry if that is mean, that is just how we see it - people are misinformed or uninformed. But then again some of them would say that we are uninformed. Corey knows more than I do, but I agree that Trump is a man without principles. I hope he leaves peacefully, but I don't think he will. He can't admit or accept losing, it goes against everything he learned from his father. That's one of my take away's from the book "Too Much and Never Enough" by his niece, Mary Trump. It was a good book and I believe her message. It also made me able to look on Trump with compassion. I still don't want him leading our country. Anyway, discussion for another day. Covid, election results being contested, sometimes it looks like the world is falling apart, but we are happy and thankful to be safe and have a quiver full of happy healthy children, even if they are crazy noisy everyday after the sunsets. "There's gonna be opposition, ain't no way around it." Of all the possible problems and trials out there, ours is a good problem to be blessed to have. 

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