Sunday, December 6, 2020

Much Ado

On Sunday's, Corey will often put on a history documentary or some classic film that the kids can learn from, like Jane Austen or Shakespeare. We watched Sense and Sensibility last week. Pride and Prejudice is also on the doc - we're trying to get Abi into Jane Austen cause we're gifting her a book that has her entire works for Christmas. They really got into Sense and Sensibility, so it's fun to talk about Colonel Brandon and Edward Farris and Willoughby and love and what to look for in a future companion. The kids understood more this time than they did last time we watched it a year or two ago, so it's fun. Today we watched "Much Ado About Nothing" and I was upstairs doing stuff, but Corey texted me this photo of Sophi who was getting really worked up about Claudio being tricked about Hero's death... 

She was worried that Claudio might kill himself over it - "Why can't people just tell the truth!?!"
The kids were really into the movie and enjoyed watching it, and Corey enjoyed watching them. Hyrum and Wes were being a little irritated by the girls' emotions: "YOU GUYS... We've watched this before! They get married!! So just relax!" She was feeling much sadness over nothing, ha! I'm glad Sophi feels deeply. I remember crying at movies, Corey does too. We BOTH cried at "Where the Red Fern Grows" when we were kids, we're going to spring that one on them soon! I also remember being really worked up as a kid when we watched "I Know My First Name Is Steven" - that one is super sad. I remember crying and crying in my bedroom, which was the garage at the time - so it was summer time in one of my early teen years. Anyway, yeah, it's fun to see the kids be culturally educated. Sundays are our day to make them watch movies that they wouldn't watch otherwise. But they're usually bored, and so they'll come watch. I hope to play games together more and/or to do more spiritual stuff, but we're trying. 

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