Monday, December 7, 2020


Hello from Wride isolation. We're all still symptom free and if we stay that way, then the elementary girls can go back on Thursday, cause the school nurse there said that the CDC has changed the quarantine from 14 to 10 days. And we started isolating from Joseph on the 28th. I called the Jr. high cause Abi is super anxious to get back, but the principal there said that unless I hear back from a district nurse, she and Lily can't come back until the 14th. So either a few days or one more week, we'll survive. 

Melodie's birthday is Saturday, so today was crunch time to get her b-day package sent off. I ran some errands. I like my candycane mask. Red and black are my colors. 

I ran to Walmart to grab a few more goodies to stuff her box with... Rice Krispy treats are really good package stuffing - light and cushion-y. There's her address if anyone else wants to send her a b-day or Christmas gift! then I went by the post office, where there was a long line... I waited for 25 min but it was going no where, so with 13 minutes to spare before I had to be home for the girls' 4:00 virtual lesson, I left. I took my chances and hurried by UPS, where there was thankfully no line, shipped it, and I got home in time for the lesson. 

Overall things are good here, we're doing ok, we're fine, but I will also admit that my mindset is not in the best spot right now. I'm feeling a bit stressed. mostly by our home. I'm hitting snooze and not following any of the things I learned from Holly. I'm not taking care of what have previously been my priorities, like exercising (I'm doing a few handstands each day and thassit) and I'm just eating whatever whenever, and our home is just messy and noisy and I'm not following through with the kids for chores or practicing. Tonight I played the violin for an hour and I felt better after that. But I probably need to read the Triple Whammy Cure or practice some dopamine/oxytocin fixes. I think I'll re-listen to Jody Moore's Happiness Fix

A few pictures from yesterday. I talked with Joseph, he's sporting a little bit of a 5 o'clock shadow. He said he'll have to shave it before he teaches the MTC tomorrow, but he can get away with it a little bit in his covid isolation down there. 

He's feeling fine, but is losing his senses of taste and smell, so he said that that is weird. But as for fever and stuff he's fine. He said he does feel a little bit like Bill Murray in this clip, ha! he tries to get anyone who calls to not hang up on him and stay and chat for a while. 

Here's Daniel, he wanted me to take a picture of him with his special friend, Bear, who has been a good companion to Daniel for a few years. Bear was also called "baby" when we first bought him (on March 28 2018)

And here's a 4 min video with nothing impressive in it, that I took of Peter eating breakfast yesterday morning.

I decided to share it for the trademark Peter-isms that are captured: Holding a Lightning McQueen car (Peter always has a car in his hand), the way he says "Day-doo" aka Thank you. He can say "cereal" and telling me "no" about something, often when he's mad he'll say "Daw We!" which means "Stop Wes!" Which just means "stop" to everyone and anyone. He'll say that to me or Hyrum, we are actually happy when he says our name "Daw Hiwa", "Aww! He said my name!"

Cute little bed head. Cereal is Peter's new treat/ bribe instead of nursing and cause he doesn't use a bottle. So he gets cereal everyday "cause he's a baby" - that's what I tell the other kids if they happen to come down and want some. Nope. just for the baby, I've got oatmeal for the rest of you "yay...."

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