Saturday, January 16, 2021

Babies Growing Up

I don't know why I always take pictures of Peter when he's asleep. But I did it again today. Here is my adorable little Peter this morning. 

Oh I love this little boy so much. 

"If they could just stay little..." It is a fleeting time. I gave Peter another birthday present today. His birthday has lasted a few days, and there are still a few things that I got on ebay that should be arriving. Mostly Cars Duplo things. Tonight he got a McQueen and Mater set. 

We have a duplo Mater somewhere, but I can't find his stinkin' eyes. I don't know where all these toy pieces disappear to, and I know I didn't sweep it up or throw it away, so it's gotta be around here somewhere... So I hesitate for a while to buy a replacement, but I caved and did get him this, cause it's his birthday, and cuase he loves the duplos and he loves Cars. He's easy to please. I probably buy these toys more for myself than I do for them - I like seeing them play with and love their toys. Like Owen with his Louie.

Facebook memories reminded me today of this photo from 4 years ago - Mel and Daniel baby big cheeks - I miss them both! Mel's grown and gone, and our little Daniel is no longer such a chubby little caterpillar... Oh he was so cute (and funny looking!) 

Seriously, look at that chinneck! So stinkin' adorable. At the end of that post, I also  mentioned how we had a clean house and "we'll see how long it lasts" and that has been my life. A clean house was always greeted with a "I can't believe it" gasp and also my brain trying to protect me to not get my hopes up for it actually lasting any length of time. And it never did. But I am blaming it all on my food brain. I've been cleaning up more and more everyday and the house is so amazingly clean and orderly right now, but I'm not thinking "I can't believe it" but now I'm thinking "Well of course it is clean! Cause I'm amazing and I'm working hard, and I like doing hard things!" Laura's podcast #33 "You Actually Like Doing Hard Things" was one of the many great listens this week. So yeah, things are still going so great. Today I even got in a good hour of scriptures study. I took up Sister Nelson's challenge and started with prayer and a question, and I found guidance. I was wondering what we could do to help Wes. Despite several D grades last year, and two F grades last term, he's on track to get 3 F's this term and Corey and I are both at a loss. Like I told him we'd buy him air pod pros if he got a 4.0, and I believe it is possible, but he doesn't. He just hasn't figured out how to play the game. Maybe we need to start with something more believeable for his brain. Like instead of "I am a straight A student" we should start with "I can get As." Right now though he is failing. Literally failing. But guess who else failed? Joseph Smith!! I read Doctrine and Covenants 3 this morning, and listened to awesome podcasts about it too - Talking Scriptures Episode 87, (awesome show notes and that picture at the top when Joseph hit bottom after learning that the manuscript had been lost) - like Wesley failing several of his classes is too bad, kinda stupid, but he will learn something from this just like Joseph Smith did. Wes will have a second chance. We've discussed credit recovery or him doing 10th grade over again. So we'll see. There is a way through. It's going to be hard, but it will be ok. Whatever we are facing, it is going to be ok.

A few pictures from yesterday - Lily has been hard at work making miniature lego creations for the little Disney characters that they got in their Lego Storybook sets. 

I have 4 of those new sets tucked away in my closet for when I'm a grandma. I think they are just so cute and I like how they close up to be put away on a shelf as a little "book"... so I think they're a perfect toy for grandkids to play with at Grandma's house someday in the future. Maybe I'll have Lily set up a whole little lego world for her future nieces and nephews. She'll probably still be around. Hopefully she won't outgrow her lego creativity.
Hyrum is almost all grown up and independent and outta here. Last night he left for Bear Lake with Joseph and other pest control selling boys for a team building Moxie retreat and ski weekend. 
He wears Corey's size 11 boots. My little boys are turning into grown men!
I know I don't really want them to stay little. I want them to grow up and learn and progress and become amazing and overcome their challenges and fears, but I still miss my babies and toddlers. I'm glad I still have a few underfoot, like these cuties. 
Natalie was leading out in a game of pirates tonight. Babyhood and childhood really are magical. I hope that grandparenthood really is as amazing as motherhood, cause I love being a mother and I don't want to be jealous that I'm not the mom anymore when I'm the grandma. I guess I've liked being needed, and I like knowing that I am the one that is needed, like when the baby has to nurse. Sure, it's exhausting, and right now I guess I'm ok that it's over, but it's bittersweet. I'm grateful for my belief that I will continue to be a wife and mother for all eternity. 💓

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