Thursday, January 14, 2021

Peter is 2!

Today is Peter's happy birthday! We had a low key morning and he didn't really know it was his special day. (I like the no expectations of one and two year olds...) Peter was taking a nap when Corey's parents came by, so he missed that party van. My mom dropped on gifts and a cake on the door step and then called me. Peter got a hint that it was his birthday when we brought out the cake this evening, with two very long candles that were left over from Joseph's cake (last pic

The candles were long enough that I thought it might help Peter have plenty of time to blow them out on his own. But instead he tried to touch them. And when we all said "No!" which hurt his tender little feelings. 

And we tried to sing and make him feel happy and special again, but he damage was done, and he just cried at us and at his cake. 

Sorry Peter! We won't ever tell you no again. He's a sensitive little soul. Corey was giving Hyrum and Wes a bit of a lecture today, and he was holding Peter, and he was telling H&W that they need to grow up and step up, in a loving way, and then jokingly looked at Peter and pointed at him as he jokingly poked his chest as he said "And you too!!" and Peter said "Da Weh!" which means "Stop Wes!" which is what Peter says whenever he wants to tell any of us to stop it. I think I've mentioned that before, but we're flattered when he actually says our name "Da Lily..." or "Da Abi!" and I don't know why he says "Stop Wes" anyway cause Wes is Peter's absolute favorite and I don't think Peter ever has a reason to be mad at Wes, except for maybe when Wes tries to not hold him. Anyway, after laying into H&W Corey pretended to scold Peter, and then P told Corey to stop and then cried. He's super sensitive, and probably spoiled. But he's still the cutest little angel and we love him and we are so grateful to have this little angel Peter in our life! We are glad that he joined our family two years ago today! Happy Birthday Peter!

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