Wednesday, January 20, 2021

I Really Hate Fingernail Polish.

Last night, as we were getting kids to bed, Daniel was suspiciously silent and had disappeared. I looked and called for him up in every room. No answer. So that means he's doing something. I called for him again as I turned off the lights as we headed to bed - in the basement, main floor, under the desk which is one of his hiding places... all the lights were off (which normally would smoke him out) so I went upstairs to call for him again up there. I looked in the bedrooms, bedroom closets and then under my bedroom desk, I could see his little shadowy figure sitting quietly. ...and I also smelled something that at first I thought was permanent marker... I bend over and reach in as I ask him what he is doing and I go to take the marker from him as I wondering what damage he has done or is doing under there... then he dropped it, and I quickly learned that it was not a marker, but it was a container of blue fingernail polish. As it fell, it left a splash of polish across the carpet and on the sides of the desk. Darn it, WHY DOES HE HAVE FINGERNAIL POLISH!?!?! Abi had just been painting her nails and left her little bin of polishes on her desk, within toddler reach. I already knew that I hate fingernail polish. And I didn't buy it this time, cause I don't buy it anymore, but Sophi was being nice and was at the dollar store the other day with Corey and she bought Abi some blue fingernail polish. So I was like "AHH!!" I didn't scream by my mind was staring to go ballistic. I yell "ABI!!!" (she was just getting out of the shower) "YOU LEFT YOUR FINGERNAIL POLISH OUT AND DANIEL FOUND THEM!" I tried to wipe it up, but now in hindsight I think I should have just left it to dry and then tried to cut it off of the carpet. But instead, in my panic, I tried to wipe it, and I ended up just spreading it around and rubbing it in deeper into the carpet fibers. Darn darny darn. I told Abi that she will be spending time cleaning this up over the next few days. And I threw the blue polish into the trash as hard as I could.

I do have hope that we will be able to get it out eventually, since we got some off of the front room carpet a while back when the girls had a sleepover with their cousins here. They spilled some in the front room and the cousins, who come from a house full of girls, said that it happens at their house and you can get it out with fingernail polish, so we tried it and it worked. Thankfully it was just a little bit that time and it was also of a lighter color. This blue will be harder, but I have hope. I didn't work on it last night, but I went and hid in the closet and played the violin to calm down. I worked on it today and it looks better, I got most of the small splatters and bits off.
Stupid fingernail polish. Our bedroom is still very clean, except for this blue blemish on the carpet. I will try to not have my heart set on a clean house. But it is nice and is a goal I will continue to strive for, a house of cleanliness and of order. 

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