Friday, January 22, 2021

Good Days and Hyrum Cashes In

I went on a walk this morning and the mountains and clouds looked beautiful - 
I hope those clouds are going to give us some snow in those mountains! I don't mind at all that we haven't had a lot of snow in the valley and haven't had to worry about driving in the snow, but I also don't want us to be in a drought. A little further to the south - the clouds are hugging the peaks. It was so pretty.

I'm going to give a little shout out to myself. Yesterday morning the kitchen was spankin' clean once again. 

Like the whole kitchen. 

I rearranged my exercise area a little bit and cleaned behind and under the treadmill, which I don't think I've done since I made that little area for myself.

My little motivational wall is still up - speak to yourself as you would to a child (be kind), a photo of Shannon cheering me on, and the Powerful Beyond Measure quote by Marianne Williamson (although most often attributed to Nelson Mandela): “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world.”

But yeah, I'm just feeling great - I am working so smart and hard and feeling so awesome and I cleaned the toilets today, mopped, did dishes, organized and cleaned the pantry and the corner cupboard and the sink is shined once again tonight as I end the day. And for some reason that I don't understand - it doesn't feel hard! I listened to Talking Scriptures Episode 88 as I cleaned, LOVED IT, so good. I wrote to Ethan, I wrote Mel yesterday, I started to work more on rubbing out the fingernail polish that Daniel spilled on my carpet under my desk.

I made some good progress. Little by little... I was pretty frustrated by that, but it was good that I took a breather and played my violin to calm down. I'm becoming a little more aware and and doing better controlling my frustration emotions - like Mr Rogers! I am doing something that helps me manage my stress! I think that's the biggest thing I'm doing right now. Part of me has been saying "This is totally not normal to have this much energy and to be working this hard... something is wrong!" Am I in some sort of denial or escaping the miscarriage with overworking? I don't know. If all this is a fluke somehow, I'll just enjoy it while it lasts.

Wesley is going to be ordained a priest on Sunday. I took a recent photo of him to send to Corey's mom, so she could put a picture that Wesley approved of on the printout of his line of authority. 
Corey's mom is so great, that she has printed those out for the boys each time they are ordained to a new priesthood office. It is a tradition I hope to continue with for my grandsons. 

After a week of hunting, I ordered barstools today. I ordered these antique white Sharman Bar and Counter stools from Wayfair. I hope the colors work out ok! We got two barstool height and 4 counter stool. Fingers crossed they look good. We'll find out when they are delivered on Feb 9th. 

And last item of news - Before we went on our date, Corey swung by the ATM to withdraw $1K for Hyrum. Corey was on Hyrum's case a little bit because Hyrum wants to take two classes of home release this next semester at school. He argued that it is ok because he's gotten all of the credits that he needs to graduate and he's been accepted to college (he's planning on going to BYU Idaho). Corey said there has to be some other stuff you could learn or do with your time... "I want you to be doing stuff! You haven't even gone on any dates!" Sure, covid has made the high school dating scene different this year, but he wants him to get out there and do stuff at school and with his friends. Hyrum has been taking his courses online this term, but he's going to go in person next semester. Corey encouraged him to start dating. Hyrum said he would if he had some money. Corey decided that Hyrum was worthy to cash in for his no kissing agreement, which Hyrum officially entered into on January 10, 2018, pictured in the photo below. 

We went by the ATM to get some cash. We actually used the EIP card that we received today day in the mail. "This isn't good, and the government shouldn't be doing this and I'm against this in principle..." he said, as he inserted the card into the ATM. 

We went out to eat at Blue Lemon tonight, love that place, it's one of our regulars. I got the Mediterranean salad with some shrimp. Delicioso. Back at home, Corey presented Hyrum with his reward, even though he's not 18 yet. 

Good job, Hyrum.

To quote Corey: "Now go out there and go on dates and start kissin'."

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