Saturday, January 9, 2021

Skiing the Bird & Joseph is 21!

We went to Snowbird to ski today. Owen calls it "Ski-bird" though, and it's cute. We had a great time. Wesley went to Alta with his friend Michael, so we dropped them off up there first - 

We warmed up our legs a few times on Chickadee, and then headed somewhere, I didn't know where, this was my first time at Snowbird. I'm looking at the map now to try and see if I can retrace our path. The map for Snowbird is bigger than this, but we stayed within this area the whole time:
I mostly followed Corey, he did all the heavy dragging.
So, looking at that map, we parked right in Entry 4, then the kids started to walk, I followed them while Corey finished up something at the car, then he never followed us, so we looked for him, but didn't want to walk back up, and we waited, and kinda walked further but the kids were complaining. Some nice lady could tell we were lost and told me to probably keep walking south and around the Cliff Lodge and then I should find Chickadee. We did, and saw Corey there probably wondering where all of us were. He had just gotten on the Chickadee lift to probably go back up top and find us. So we waved at him as he went past us overhead in the chairlist, and we waited for him cause I didn't have my ticket. He came down to us, gave me my ticket and tickets for Owen and Daniel, we all did Chickadee together, then we hoofed it up a little bit to the Creek Road path. We took Wilbere lift up and then went over to Emma and there were so many skiers zooming past it was slightly terrifying. Corey said that Snowbird is known for being harder skiing. But some parts of it were just lovely. 
Like when we did this (Miner's road or Bass Highway?) I don't know where we were
Owen and Daniel did great though and no one killed us and we made out way over to the Mid-Gad lift and we stopped for lunch (already?)
Quick lunch and bathroom break and then we continued making out way over to Baby Thunder. Daniel liked riding the Conveyor #2!
We finally found the Baby Thunder lift and I went with Daniel the whole time. We lost each other a few times then we'd find each other. 
We stayed over there for most of the afternoon. When kids started to say they were ready to leave, Corey looked at a map and told us to keep going on Easy Street and then go down to Mid-Gad. We stayed together. When we got to Mid-Gad, we decided to do that one time. Then ok, one more. Then one more. Lily and Sophi sang Let it Go at the top of their lungs on one of the lift rides up. We just went to the midway unloading. The girls wanted to ski down the Terrain Park. Daniel wanted to go too and stood their looking longingly. Not this year buddy... 
Ok, one more time... this is the last time. Family ski selfie!

Left to right - Me, Lily, Sophi, Corey with Owen at his side, Natalie in front, Daniel in blue, then Abi on the right. We thought we were taking Bass Highway but must have missed the turn and we ended up on Miners Road and at the bus stop there. When Daniel found out we were heading home, he protested. 
He didn't freak out, and I didn't force him to leave. We just stood there. Then he heard Corey say "Is Daniel not obeying?" and Corey started to walk up to where we were. Then Daniel said "Ok..." and then he skied down the last hill and we joined the others. Good job, Daniel! And then, after a whole day of not having my sense of direction, I suddenly knew where I was. "Oh!" Cause I used to work at Snowbird when I was in high school. I worked at the pharmacy and at the San Francisco Sourdough Pizza place (now Tram Car Pizza). It was a hard walk in boots for little Daniel all the way up to the Snowbird Center. We were glad to finally get to the elevator. Elevator selfie! I was pretending to create a match for our Hawaii elevator selfies (second to last pic) only this one is the complete opposite cause it's winter and we're skiing in stead of coming back from the pool.
It was 4:27 and we thought we only had a few minutes to catch the lift up to where we parked. We did not want to walk up the hill. But the lift actually closed at 5, so we did a few more runs, lucky you Daniel! 

I went to pick up Wesley and Michael, we got home and Peter was asleep. Cute little stink bug -
Hyrum and Joseph had stayed home with him again. Time to wake up, Peter! Nap's over.
Joseph (happy birthday!) stayed home and had gone bowling with some friends, then they came over for ice cream cake... 
He wanted to hang out with them more than come with us, and he could do that cause it's his birthday, plus cause he's been skiing twice this week already. They got ready for more fun (going to go to an escape room) but first we sang to Joseph - 21 candles!
It was a great day for us skiing. I hope Joseph had a great day too, we are going to take him out to eat sometime this week down at BYU. He heads back down tomorrow, classes start on Monday. It's been fun having him home over the break. Life is wonderful, amazing, even with it seeming to fall apart on a national level. Things are ok here at our house. To once again quote Rob Schneider "If you turn off the news and just talk to your neighbors you'll find that our great country is far more harmonious than you're being told."

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