Sunday, January 10, 2021


Hello Sunday. Peter looked super cute in the little Church outfit that Corey's mom got for him for Christmas. Isn't he a cute looking little man?

Peter is posing with a new big "Mack" truck that a neighbor gave to us recently. She has a son just older than Owen and Daniel and a girl the same age as Lily but taller, and she brings by clothes for them every now and then, which is always so helpful and appreciated? And she also brought by that truck that her boy had outgrown. 
Peter was super cute playing with it and pushing it around. 
And tonight for scriptures, Daniel wanted to take a selfie of us.

So there we are - cheese! Life is super good, I loved the lesson from church today for Relief Society - We studied Elder Ballard's talk from General Conference "Watch Ye Therefore and Pray Always". So good. Things have gotten a little nuts in the USA it seems, so work and watch and fight and pray, the work will move along as we put our shoulders to the wheel. I feel like I'm in such a good spot mentally and emotionally. I'm feeling well after my miscarriage. I don't think I'm in denial of anything, things are just really good and I'm grateful for any who prayed for me... I have felt supported and buoyed up this whole past week, and I believe it was through prayers on my behalf - so thank you if you sent any my way, I appreciate it. 

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