Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Corner Canyon

Yesterday Corey bought a good bike off of the classifieds for Owen to use. Today Owen practiced learning to balance as he rode it down the ramp in the backyard, that we still have up from the last time Corey's parents came over here (for Mel's setting apart? I think that was the last time they were here...)
And then another thing that has been on Corey's brain is getting a rack to hold all these bikes. Today I was his accomplice and I ordered the VelociRax... Corey then drove straight down to Alpine to pick it up. 
Owen had to leave for school, but Daniel was able to drive down with Corey and then was a very attentive helper to Corey for the rest of the afternoon as he got it all put together. 
Corey's had his eyes on the VelociRAX for a while. He was very pleased with this purchase.
We didn't waste any time trying it out. It was a nice and fairly warm day for being "winter", so we went out to Corner Canyon, a pretty amazing place that Corey learned about yesterday when he picked up Owen's bike. 
It is pretty incredible! I'm going to need to take some time to study these trail maps. 

This will be a lot of fun this next summer!

So I thought I was going to be able to ride, so I came along, but I ended up being on kid duty, which is fine. But if I knew I was going to be on kid duty the whole time, I probably would have just stayed home. So it's good that I didn't know. Cause Peter enjoyed being out, and he would have missed that. 
He was super cute walking up the trail ...after he woke up... I had carried him for longer than I would have liked up the trail as he tried to keep sleeping in my arms as I also pushed Daniel on his training wheeled bike up the dirt trail which was a pain, so then I was alternating carrying Peter and carrying the bike as Daniel walked - or - carrying Peter and pushing Daniel on his bike. So yeah, that part wasn't a ton of fun. It got easier when I put Peter up on my shoulders. That also woke him up, which was helpful.

Once I convinced Daniel that we should leave the bike on the trail and we'd come back to get it, then things were better.

Cause they both walked. 

It is a beautiful area! There was a handful of other bikers on the trail, and luckily these two little boys didn't get plowed over. We eventually heard Corey and the kids. I helped Daniel get over to them and Owen came with me. Owen and Peter and I walked back down to the bike. Corey took the kids to the car, and then he and Natalie came back up to find us. He took Peter on a ride on the Shotgun seat and I kept walking back with Owen and Daniel. 

Corey told me that there were two big dogs on the trail with no apparent owner that were barking and getting aggressive with Sophi and it was scary, so we're glad that she didn't get hurt. Wes had a great time. Abi stayed home for her flute lesson, so this outing was Corey and I, Wes, Lily, Sophi, Natalie, Owen, Daniel and Peter. We took two cars. Corey has arranged for a bike trip to St. George in like 3 weeks, so that should be fun. We got home, had left over fried potatoes with bacon bits for dinner, and then got ready for bed at a pretty decent time. Owen kept riding his bike around the kitchen. He's pretty much got his balance now, I think! So we'll put the pedals on there today or tomorrow and see what this little man can do! Good job Owen!


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