Thursday, February 4, 2021

Toddler Haircut

I gave Peter a haircut today. His siblings think it is too short, so we tried to style is a little bit. 
You're pretty handsome Peter!

It does seem like a change cause his trademark look has been the straight brown hair coming down over his forehead. 

Corey got Peter that bike last weekend, it's one of those little pedal-less balance bikes. Peter didn't really care for it at first, but also didn't want Daniel to touch it. On Sunday he tried it out and he is pretty stinking adorable. He just slowly waddles as he walks around with it between his legs beneath him. So he's been scooting around on it this week. He doesn't like to sit on the seat yet, he sits on the crossbar and doesn't like us when we try to correct his positioning. Baby knows best. 

Owen took more maps to school today. Pretty hilarious. These ones are old pirate treasure maps, as you can tell my them being crumpled up and so "old" looking! 
Yes Miss Teacher, I know it looks like there is just a bunch of garbage in Owen's backpack, but trust us, those are antique maps that are going to lead us all to buried treasure!

What else went on today... It was a Thursday, which is the new "Friday" aka last day of school for the week, so the kids played with friends - Sophi to Kelsy's house for 4 hours, Natalie to Emma's for 2. I also went to the dentist at 7am this morning. I noticed last week that the gums by one of my bottom front teeth were red and really look receded to me, so I was glad they were able to get me in so quickly. He said that it's not bad but I am still a bit nervous about it. I hope it doesn't cause me to have an increase of dreams about my teeth falling out. 

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