Saturday, February 6, 2021

Mud Sledding

It has been a very light winter, speaking of the snow level here at home. The kids were excited that we finally got some decent snow Wed, Thurs, and Fri this week. AFter skiing yesterday, the kids were excited to be at home today and go sledding in the lot next to our house. Hyrum wanted to take his younger brothers sledding, and they had fun, but they were a mess. 

Once the sun came out, the snow just wasn't deep enough, and they were sledding in mud more than snow... Owen and Daniel liked it, but Peter was a reluctant participant.

And P let Hyrum know that he was not happy... I had come over to check on their fun cause I heard him wailing.
It was nice of you to try, Hyrum. Owen and Daniel went back and forth between laughing and having fun and screaming and crying. 
I was impressed that Hyrum kept going, I would have given up with all the racket they were making. I did decide it was time to stop torturing Peter. So I took him and we started to walk for home. But then Peter didn't want to go home, so I just followed him. He walked through the snow and he wandered to a tree and stood there, waiting for something...
Such a cute little guy. I wonder what he's thinking. 
Eventually HO&D found their way home. We still have snow in our front yard. Owen layed down to wipe a little bit of the mud off of his snowpants and clothes. 
I still took their clothes and washed them all so that we can pack them with the ski stuff. No muddy sledding clothes allowed with the ski stuff. Yesterday the kids made a snowman!

Owen said that he made it, and I was super impressed and a little skeptical. No offense O, but that looks beyond your level of snowman-making. He told me that his friend Bodhi helped him, and Bodhi's mom... ok, well that makes more sense. But it turns out he was fibbing about that too - Lily and Sophi's said that this was their work. Owen! No lying! Back at home, Corey did music with his girls - him and Lily practicing -
And I did violin with my girls. Then Corey took them all out to Kearns to go ice skating at the Olympic Ice Oval, cause I guess we hadn't gotten our fill of winter sports yet! I'll see if I can get him to send me any of his photos or videos. I'm trying to get him to upload his videos to youtube so I can atleast have access to those. I've said before, that our family has a whole different set of stories that don't make it on here. Stories of adventures with Corey. And there are a lot of them, cause he's the fun one and I stay home, like I did tonight. I hope someday that those stories get told. I gave P a bath, then we read books until he fell asleep on the floor. 
It was a good day. 

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