Friday, February 5, 2021

Skiing in Flurries

I am enjoying the slow mornings of online Friday learning. Yay, we get to all sleep in a little bit! Peter wakes up almost every night, cried for me and walks into our room, and I'll lay on the floor with him. His roommate Daniel is a heavy sleeper, so thankfully P usually doesn't wake up D, but last night he did. At 4 am they were both at my door. Daniel said "Peter wants you..." so I let them in and we laid down together. I was in between them and slept until morning. Once it was getting light, I used my ninja skills to motionlessly escape without pulling the blanket or disturbing them on either side of me. 

Little squished face. Peter usually turns onto his tummy to sleep, and he usually kicks off blankets. 
So last night Corey made sandwiches, prepped his hot chocolate thermos and packed a family lunch, then he loaded skis into his car. He wanted to go skiing in the fresh snow. He was hoping it would fall during the night and be done by afternoon, but I checked the weather and knew that the forecast said it would snow all day (and it did) and I didn't want to go and I definitely didn't want Peter to be in a backpack in a blizzard, but we went along, because I know that I'm usually happy about Corey's ideas after the fact (like the triple bunk beds). This ski trip went like I thought it would, weather wise. As we got out of the car and were getting boots on, and as Corey was getting skis down, the interior of the car was covered. 
I kept Peter in the car until the very end...
What a cute little eskimo! But he did not like the snow in his face... and we are not yet prepared with goggles for everyone. Wes gave me his goggles to use, and I put them on and then took them off. I gave them back to Wes and told Corey that I was going to stay in the car with Peter. Corey nodded in agreement that that was a good idea. "We'll just go on Snowpine and see how they do... I don't think we'll last very long." So off they went, and Peter and I stayed in the car and watched Disney+ Cars on my phone. P was fine until I turned it off to take a selfie of us, then he cried "McQueen!!!" 
After about 60 minutes, Lily was done and came back. Hey, she's still smiling! That's a good sign. 
Abi was the next one back. 
I left Cars playing on my phone for Peter and put him in the front seat, where the snow from the open doors didn't get him as easily as Abi took off her gear. I went out to find Corey and help him and the kids back to the safety of the car. Daniel did not have fun skiing this time, can you tell by his eyebrows?
Everyone is back in. We were 2 over in the car capacity. Corey was going to take the bus up with Wes, but I didn't want to be left alone, so I turned around and picked him up and we squished on our drive up, and again on our drive back. 
Corey was proud of them for being so adventurous and tough. Sure, they did their fair share of moping and complaining in the blizzard, but I would have too had I been out there. I was grateful to be in the car almost the whole time. So we carefully drove back home and then ate the lunch Corey had made. At home Corey saw that our new counter stools had arrived! Yay!
I might save the boxes to build a cardboard house for Peter. That might be fun.Corey, Sophi, and Abi took turns helping me put them together. 
The color is almost right, so they matched pretty closely to the table, so it is good. They don't all fit under the counter, so we have two floater stools for now. I don't know where their home will be yet. After we got home, kids practiced music, Corey cleared the driveway, Lily went to play at Isa's, NOD went sledding, and Corey and I took Abi to a friends house for the evening before we went to Olive Garden in Sugarhouse for date night. There isn't a lot of snow on the valley floor, but the snow from last night was still the most we've gotten this winter. It has been very mild, which might not be good for our desert state. We're in February and are just barely getting some snow, I hope there is more that comes before the weather starts to warm up.

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