Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Ripping Books and FaceApp

I ordered some Disney Cars books for Peter last week. This kid likes to read books. and unfortunately he also likes to rip books. I didn't even know this one had arrived until I saw it in my closet on the floor. Well, I saw the cover on the floor. I went to look for the rest of the book. Peter had it. I'm holding the cover to the book he is reading on the floor. 

I don't understand this innate ability to destroy. It's a impressive I guess, and leaves me perplexed. I fixed the book the best I could with hot glue and tape, and then I moved most of the books in their room to the basement book shelves. He pulls them all down off the bedroom shelf everyday, so I decided I'm going to lessen my load and just move some of them downstairs. He's also ripped 3 of the 4 cars books now. I've tapped them back together as much as I can. They are his favorite, so why does he ruin them? Is that like the same thing as children drawing on their dolls? It is good that I can kind of salvage them... Better than throwing books into a tub of water I guess.

The house isn't amazing right now, cause I'm not cleaning it fast enough to catch up to their messes. I might also be recovering from the busy ski weekend. Good news, kinda, is that Corey cancelled the biking trip to St. George this weekend. I wasn't thrilled with having to do two things two weekend in a row, cause I'm a homebody and need to catch my breath here in my happy place. It was cancelled cause kids (ours and Uncle Marks) need to catch up on homework. So I'm glad we're all being responsible parents for our teens. I'm also glad that we will not be camping in the cold. 

Wes is our kid with the most homework to catch up on. Which makes me shake my head when I find that he has been playing with FaceApp on my phone. I get it, it's funny, and it's the weekend, but you really need to get working Wes! Not exploring what you would look like as a girl...

Or as a cool young bachelor

He did take one last week that made him look like Josh Groban, and Wes was amazed at how "sick" he looked. I wonder if he'll grow out his hair when he gets older. Wes has also been doing stuff to Corey and I and his siblings. When I blog, I go back and upload photos from the day, and today there were a few pics that I took, but mostly it was all these face app filtered photos. Here is what Ethan would look like as a girl

And Abi as a boy...

And Peter as a girl - 

Wes would also make us wide faced, then take the wide face pic and make it wider... I won't show you the 50, 100, and 150 pounds overweight profiles of Corey and I, but here is Wes if he gained 50 lbs...

and a little chubby Natalie - 

It is pretty crazy the things that you can do to photo with filters and apps. So kids have kinda been wasting time and not getting things done. Maybe they are trying to recover from the busy weekend too, so I'll cut them some slack. But we all need to kick it in gear again. And Wes, you can't use my phone until you're caught up with Math! 

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