Time to bid adieu to Sleeping Beauty. This is why I buy books at the thrift store. Tub soup is another reason. Silly toddlers. (The soup here is by Lily in 2012)
I thought it was pretty cute. Her forehead gash is healing nicely. They said make sure it didn't get wet and that the bandaid stayed on until Monday. Today I took off the bandaid but she still has the tape and glue on. What else? I'm almost feeling back to normal, like I have even kept the house pretty clean for the past three days. Hopefully we're getting into the swing of school and life with a new baby.
(and by the way, I do get Natalie dressed almost every morning, but she prefers to be undressed. She's also started to take off her diaper by herself which I don't appreciate, but luckily it hasn't been happening too much so far this week. Luckily she also has not sat on the carpet after taking off a #2 diaper, so no messes from her new talent yet either, phew)