Monday, March 1, 2021

Louie Goes To School

The big news for today was that Louie the Lion got to go to school with Owen. Louie has been Owen's faithful companion since Louie joined our family on Christmas 2017.

Today Owen's kindergarten class had a pajama party for their reading or something like that, so they got to wear pajamas, bring a small pillow and a stuffed animal. Thus Louie got to go to school. I bet they had a fun time. A few more pictures from over the weekend: Wes had Peter giggling on Saturday night as he squished his face in the door. 

I didn't capture the best laughs on camera, but you can get the idea.
Peter is a cute. 
And these are some pictures of him on Sunday - trying to keep him quiet for church. 
We don't do snacks at church, so every now and then we'll hand over our phones and let them take pictures or Daniel likes to draw with his finger on notepad.
Hyrum was in Springdale this weekend (I think) with Joseph for a Moxie retreat. They had fun and shared a few videos on messenger with us.
I can't keep track of all the things the older kids are doing these days, but I can share a little bit if they share pictures on facebook. They were like driving buggies in the sand dunes around Zion's National Park or something like that. Hyrum is going in May to sell pest control with Joseph in Pennsylvania. It will be good mission prep! Just like it was for Ethan last year.

Also, Father David came over for dinner on Saturday after our ski day. So it was a little good that the kids were miserable and anxious to leave, cause that made it easier for us to get home in time to made dinner by 5. He and Corey talked quite a bit about the Law of Chastity. Father David wanted to know how our church teaches it and how it gets any of the youth to follow it. He lamented that many people he tries to teach struggle with it and don't understand it's importance. Corey texted him the talk by then BYU President Jeffrey Holland (now LDS apostle) about Souls, Symbols, and Sacraments. We both relistened to it ourselves, pretty awesome stuff. I sure love our wonderful leaders, and I love Jesus Christ and His Church and His commandments that lead us to such peace and happiness. We enjoy sharing stories with Father David of our mutual faith in Christ, and we are grateful to have a friendship with him.

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