Thursday, March 4, 2021

More Trampoline Time

We had a little more trampoline time today with a little less snow.

Peter and Daniel had fun jumping this afternoon.
We took Owen to the bus stop - he was excited to be sporting a new dinosaur face mask.
And then we took 20 minutes to walk home, cause Peter was exploring.
Daniel was anxious to get home, but then he decided to explore too. These might be our final moments of snow, so better enjoy it!
These little kids are cute.
Sometimes they know it.
Peter being cute and cuddly.
I resisted Heavenly Hunks today at Costco, even with them being on sale. Go me. I just don't trust myself to have them at home right now, I ate the whole bag last time... I'm still working on curbing my food obsession and my diet brain. There is more I need to learn to understand why I go against what I know sometimes. At Costco I also thought about buying a new swing set for the backyard. We'll see... Corey is going to buy Hale Center Theater tickets again, so that might be all the fun activities we can buy right now. And also regarding purchases, I ran into Hobby Lobby... I really do want to get something on the wall in our front room this year. 

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