Saturday, March 27, 2021

Muddy Bike Ride

We had soccer games this morning. Lily's team tied 4-4. Corey took Sophi to her game, Abi had a bye. It was sunny but still very cold. It would have been a beautiful day to ski! Sigh. After the soccer games, Corey wanted to take the kids on a bike ride. Hyrum stayed home with Daniel, and I went along for the ride. There was a bike for me, but I ended up not riding down the hill. Peter and I stayed behind so that Owen could go on the shotgun seat, cause the trail they were doing looked a little advanced for this new biker. He can ride, but I'm not sure he's ready for trails. Kids all ready to go - 

Trying to get them to all come and hold still for a second so I can take a picture...
Peter knows how to cooperate, come on you older kids! There we go...
We went up a small trail to the side of Potato Hill in Draper, and wow! What a view!
So they took off down Red potato trail, and Peter and I went for a little hike up the hill.
My sweet little Peter! 
We walked up to the top. The loose rocks made it tricky for Peter. Then we walked down the trail they rode down and we could see them in the trees. I yelled down to them "HI COREY! HI ABI!!!" I could tell her by her blue jacket. Peter imitated me and said "Hi Abi!" That made me smile, he's so cute. Then I hacked to clear my throat, and he imitated me there too, doing a little throat noise, which made me laugh and then he imitated me by doing a little toddler chuckle. So funny! Peter and I drove down to the Coyote Trailhead, where there were lots of signs that said "Do Not Use Muddy Trails! Do not use if it sticks to your heels or your wheels, violators will be prosecuted." Doh! But we did not notice any signs like that up at the top of Potato Hill, so hopefully we won't be in trouble with the law! Peter's favorite part of our little walk at the Coyote Trail was when we stood on rocks. 
This game is called "Stand Up!" Here's a little video of him playing the game - 
I was watching Corey's location on Life 360 the whole time. Peter and I went to the parking lot at Corner Canyon to wait for them to arrive. Peter had fun playing on a dirt hill.
Corey and I had been exchanging a few voice messages, and I guess the mud made it a horrible experience and there was weeping and wailing, Sophi screaming "WHY!?!?!" as she cursed her father for taking her on this horrific ride. Corey said they were probably going to have to do one more ride to make it a good memory instead of a bad one. So we loaded up the bikes and then took them all to the top of the Carolina Hills Trailhead. The just had to coast down, easy and fun, right?
Plus Corey told them that they had to do it in order to get food at Shake Shack afterwards. (He ordered burgers for everyone at Shake Shack but he accidentally got firey ones with hot peppers on them, oops.) Owen rode his bike on that one and Peter rode on the ShotGun seat. 
I met them at the bottom again. So we left home at 1, drove over Suncrest to at trail that was closed, and then the ride from Potato Hill started at 2pm. We were all getting back in the car at 4:25. So we're still beginner bikers, but are learning by experience.
It was a good trial run before Moab next week. I trust there will not be mud in Moab! Good job to Corey for making it still be a fun and good memory. 

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