Monday, March 29, 2021

Home For A Year

Here are a few sweet pictures of Peter drawing with the magnet sketch tonight. 

I loved watching him draw, he is soooo sweet!


That cute little fist! He didn't draw anything amazing, but HE is amazing. 

He was working so intently, I loved it, my heart was full of happiness.

I loved watching him at a park this afternoon too. This week is spring break for the older kids, and our violin teacher lives in that school district, so we didn't have violin lessons today. That meant that I was available to take Lily to soccer practice. The little boys played at the park while we waited for her. He likes riding the little rocking horse - 
MY cute Peter! Sweet Natalie helping him rock on the dino seat, which didn't rock very well. 
They are great kids and it's a delight to be their mother. Joseph was up from BYU tonight. He volunteers as a Spanish interpreter at some medical clinic so he comes up now and then, which is always a joy. Today was a fun day to have him here because today marks Joseph's one year mark - one year since he came home from his mission to Guatemala!
It's crazy to think about all that has happened this past year! It has been a year full of stretching opportunities and a year full of blessings. 

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