Monday, March 15, 2021

Play and Work

We are enjoying the nice spring weather and the chance to get outside more. It's still chilly, so we put jackets on the boys and head out. We went to the school park tonight. I told them we could go before doing chores if they'd help me when we got back home. They didn't. Oh well. My lack of enforcement is probably why they say yes knowing they can get away with not doing it. But sometimes I don't mind if we all just relax... no need to follow all these rules I made up for us.

They had fun playing on the teeter totter and the slide and I went to take a few photos and then went back to the car to sit and read. 
I had a good day. I finished blogging January, yay! I'm still pretty behind on February and March though. (Confession... It is actually April 21st when I'm writing this though... still behind, but 5 more posts and I'll be done with March...) 

What else - Last night we had a family from Brazil over for dinner. They had us over for dinner at their home in Brazil 10+ years ago. Oli is the dad, I can't remember anyone elses names. No, I remember Joao/John? That is the one talking to Wes. Wes was inspired by all the things he's tried to do to earn money, seems like a good worker and a smart kid. Corey visiting with Oli and one of the other sons. Their youngest boy had fun playing with Owen and Daniel.
Yesterday was daylight saving time. I started changing our analog clocks the week before and I changed all the digital ones on Thursday when the kids were done with school, and I think the extra few days to get ready for the lost hour really helped us! The kids were actually a bit confused at the time, but it helped me! So I might do it again next spring. I woke up super early yesterday though to finish getting ready for the lesson I taught. I should have done more on Saturday, but we went skiing instead. I kinda had a plan for my lesson and had all the talks kind of referenced and organized, so I think it was good. Here is me with my scriptures and printed Conference messages in the closet this morning at 5:30 am. I worked hard to learn and then just trusted that it would go and that the Spirit would guide the discussion, and I think He did. :)

Here's the notes from my lesson yesterday:

I would have preferred if we were at church and I had a bigger table in front of me to lay out all my papers on and where I could see people, but what ya gonna do. My phone's zoom screen just showed me and 3 other sisters. I've gotten a few texts that the lesson was good and that they loved it. I hope they got something out of it that that they can put to use. I know that I loved preparing for it. I spent the past 2 weeks preparing, pondering, and feasting on talks. I just put together the notes of what we actually talked about, from what I could remember, and here they are: 

Enduring Power by Elder Kelly R. Johnson (He uses the word power 37 times, Endure/enduring 2x)

Elder Johnson - FIRST PARAGRAPH - POWER: A word that President Nelson has frequently talked about: Power, specifically God's power, and how we can access is. (Power, Strength, Virtue) Virtue - VIR - Latin for "man", vertu - Old French for "force, strength, vigor"

The Living Christ "We offer our testimony of the reality of his matchless life and the infinite virtue (power and strength!) of His great atoning sacrifice"

1 Nephi 14:14 - And it came to pass that I, Nephi, beheld the power of the Lamb of God, that it descended upon the saints of the church of the Lamb, and upon the covenant people of the Lord, who were scattered upon all the face of the earth; and they were armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory. 

A prophecy yet to be fulfilled in April 1987 - Overcome... Even As I Also Overcame - Elder Neal Maxwell: "One day, and why not soon, the people of the Church will fulfill this prophecy: 'The power of the Lamb of God … descended upon the saints of the church of the Lamb, … the covenant people of the Lord, who were scattered upon all the face of the earth; and they were armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory. However, our collective light does not yet shine brightly enough to be “a standard for the nations"

Fulfilled! April 2020 General Conference - Hear Him - President Nelson "We live in the day that 'our forefathers have awaited with anxious expectation.' We have front-row seats to witness live what the prophet Nephi saw only in vision, that 'the power of the Lamb of God' would descend 'upon the covenant people of the Lord, who were scattered upon all the face of the earth; and they were armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory.' You, my brothers and sisters, are among those men, women, and children whom Nephi saw. Think of that!"

Elder Johnson - FOURTH PARAGRAPH - IT IS HARD, So we need Grit to Endure! Understanding what we must to do access God's power in our lives is not easy, but I have found it is doable by studying it out in our minds and praying for the Holy Ghost to enlighten us. 
  • Elder Scott - April 2013 For Peace At Home - "God's power, power to do more than we can do by ourselves"
  • S. Michael Wilcox - The Fourth Watch - The Lord waits until we're on our last meal (widow of Zarephath
  • Elder Holland - Cast Not Away Your Confidence - Revelation comes when we are in urgent need, life or death situations, like Moses and the children of Israel at the Red Sea
  • Oct 2019 - Spiritual Treasures - President Nelson "This process is neither quick nor easy. Accessing the power of God in your life requires the same things that the Lord instructed Emma and each of you to do. ... Sometimes we speak almost casually about walking away from the world, but truly doing so requires you to examine your life meticulously and regularly. The Holy Ghost will prompt you about what is not longer needful, what is no longer worthy of your time and energy"
  • Sister Eubank "By Unity of Feeling We Obtain Power With God" - Us trying to dig about in our own little vineyards, Ye shall clear away the bad as fast as the good can grow. It is messy, sometimes uncomfortable, and happens gradually when we clear away the bad, we are never alone in our efforts. Deeply wounding experiences... Jesus Christ's power reaches to the very bottom and is reliably there for us when we call on Him.
  • Oct 2007 - Good, Better, Best - Elder Oaks - for faithful members, it might be more deciding between good better best instead of clearing away the bad. Choose the best!
  • Apr 2017 - Overcoming the World - Elder Neil Anderson "Overcoming the world is not one defining moment in a lifetime, but a lifetime of moments that define an eternity. Overcoming the world is not a global invasion but a private, personal battle, requiring hand-to-hand combat with our own internal foes.
  • Apr 1987 - Overcome... Even As I Also Overcame - Elder Neal Maxwell "Real disciples absorb the fiery darts of the adversary by holding aloft the quenching shield of faith with one hand, while holding to the iron rod with the other. There should be no mistaking, it will take both hands!"
  • April 2017 - Drawing the Power of Jesus Christ Into Our Lives "We begin by 1) learning about Him. - The more we know about the Savior’s ministry and mission—the more we understand His doctrine and what He did for us—the more we know that He can provide the power that we need for our lives. 2) Consecrate a portion of our time each week to studying everything Jesus said and did as recorded in the standard works- use Topical guide as your personal core curriculum. 3) Study "The Living Christ 4) Stand out, speak up, be different - undaunted, devoted, courageous
  • Oct 2019 - Spiritual Treasures - President Nelson - study Lord's counsel to Emma in D&C 25: "You won’t find this process spelled out in any manual. The Holy Ghost will be your personal tutor as you seek to understand what the Lord would have you know and do. This process is neither quick nor easy, but it is spiritually invigorating. What could possibly be more exciting than to labor with the Spirit to understand God’s power—priesthood power? What I can tell you is that accessing the power of God in your life requires the same things that the Lord instructed Emma and each of you to do. So, I invite you to study prayerfully section 25 of the Doctrine and Covenants and discover what the Holy Ghost will teach YOU."
  • Talking Scriptures Podcast Episode 94, Lord's counsel to Emma at minute 33:22, especially don't murmur and don't compare
  • Examine our thoughts - journal, Explore all your habits, thoughts, reasons, good better best. Read "Through His Eyes" By Virginia Hinckley Pearce
  • What is your part? What are your goals, your desires? Study your patriarchal blessing
  • Brad Wilcox - 5 Minute Fireside - Write 100 goals to learn about yourself and what you want from life, and write down 10 heroes and why you admire them to help you learn more about yourself
  • The Practical Work of Building Zion - Troy Dougherty, BYU Idaho devotional

BONUS - Things we didn't get to today! 

A thought from Teaching with Power - A Woman's Power - like the Queen in Chess - In chess, each piece has a relative value and POWER. Pawns are not very powerful, don't carry a huge value, thus they are sacrifice for position or used to create a structure from which to protect more valuable/more important pieces of the game. The King is a critical piece, but the most powerful piece is the Queen - Most versatility, can move the fastest and the farthest in all directions. Most games are won by using the unique abilities of the queen in conjunction with other supportive pieces. Usually the Queen are at the center of the action. Putting pressure on the enemy king, rescuing pieces under attack, making captives, forcing retreat. SHE IS THE PIECE ON THE BOARD. Many players will resign the game if they inadvertently lose their queen. It's usually not even worth trying after that. King is the overall focus of attack, but he doesn't have power to work and move like the queen. She is the piece making things happen. The Chess Queen communicates the Power of Women. 

Oct 2015 - A Plea to My Sisters - President Nelson "Today, let me add that we need women who know how to make important things happen by their faith and who are courageous defenders of morality and families in a sin-sick world."  - "Sisters, do you realize the breadth and scope of your influence when you speak those things that come to your heart and mind as directed by the Spirit?" - "We know that the culminating act of all creation was the creation of woman! We need your strength!" (aka power!) If the world loses the moral rectitude of it's women, the world will never recover. We need women who have a bedrock understanding of the doctrine of Christ and who will use that understanding to teach and help raise a sin-resistant generation."

Sister Eubank "By Unity of Feeling We Obtain Power With God" - "The women of his Church have unlimited potential to change society. I have full spiritual confidence that, as we seek union of feeling, we will call down the power of God to make our efforts whole."

CS Lewis - "A housewife's work is the one for which all other work exists" 

President Nelson "Drawing in the Power of Jesus Christ" April 2017 - "There is nothing easy or automatic about becoming such powerful disciples. Our focus must be riveted on the Savior and His gospel. It is mentally rigorous to strive to look unto Him in every thought. But when we do, our doubts and fears flee.

We can live without fear - Ann Voskamp "Worry is the facade of taking action. Prayer actually is."

Elder Johnson - Story of their microwave - There was nothing on the inside to absorb the energy/fiery darts. 

Elder Gary B. Sabin "Stand Up Inside and Be All In" We stand up inside when we lift up the hands that hang down. We stand up inside when we defend the truth against a wicked and secular world that is becoming increasingly more uncomfortable with light, calling evil good and good evil and “condemning the righteous because of their righteousness.” - Standing up inside in spite of difficulties is possible because of a clear conscience, the strengthening and comforting assurance from the Holy Ghost, and an eternal perspective which surpasses mortal understanding.19 In our premortal life we shouted for joy at the opportunity to experience mortality.20 We were “all in” as we excitedly made the decision to be valiant defenders of our Heavenly Father’s plan. It is time to stand up and defend His plan again! - Our son Justin passed away at age 19 after fighting a lifelong disease. In a sacrament meeting talk he gave not long before he left us, he shared a story that must have resonated with him about a father and his young son who went into a toy store where there was an inflatable punching bag in the shape of a man. The boy punched the inflatable man, who tipped over and immediately bounced back after every punch. The father asked his young son why the man kept bouncing back up. The boy thought for a minute and then said, “I don’t know. I guess it’s because he’s standing up on the inside.” In order to be “all in,” we need to “stand up inside,” “come what may.” ("Come What May and Love It" Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin Oct 2008, "Let Patience Have Her Perfect Work and Count it All Joy" - Elder Jeremy Jaggi Oct 2020) - We stand up inside when we wait patiently upon the Lord to remove or give us strength to endure our thorns in the flesh. Such thorns may be disease, disability, mental illness, death of a loved one, and so many other issues.

HOW HAVE ANY OF YOU DONE THIS IN YOUR LIFE? Me - Oct 2017 "Worth Fighting For"

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