Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Dinosaur Museum Again

I had a really bad night of sleep last night. It seem like Peter woke me up every 30 minutes with his fussing. Then Daniel and Peter were both awake and following me into my room at 4 am when I tried to sneak away to go in and charge my phone. Blah. It rained in the valley last night and was snowing in the mountains up until 7 am this morning. Then it cleared up and now it's a beautiful sunny day with highs at Alta only getting to 34 by this afternoon, it would have been a perfect day to ski. Sigh. Corey said he can't go on Friday either. Maybe I can get Hyrum to come with me. We'll see. So I was already feeling a little cranky this morning, and wishing I was up in the mountains instead of here... and then I had Daniel pestering me to let him go to school. (I really wish he wasn't a September birthday...) Poor kid has to wait until next year! As in 2022! He's more anxious than Abi was, and he can get a little bossy and mean... I need to figure out how to handle his "mindless, inexhaustible, unstoppable, repetitive, and nagging demands!" (name that movie!). When fall 2022 comes around, I'm considering getting him tested to join the 1st graders, cause he is already ready, he'll be super ready in 2022 and kindergarten might just be boring. But we'll see when the time comes. 

So I was on the computer looking into preschools, and he was breathing down my neck cause he wanted to do something NOW and TODAY and coloring and painting wasn't going to cut it. So I thought hmm, it's almost time for the Tulip Festival. We've had a year pause of our membership, I think it's a good time to get our Membership again. So we did, and we scheduled an appointment to go down to the dinosaur museum at 6:30. Then Daniel said he wanted to go NOW and I let him push me around, so I called and changed it to 4:30, and we got our shoes on and went to go wait for Sophi and Natalie and Owen to get off the bus. We loaded in and off we went. Yay! The Dinosaur Museum!

The girls were having flashbacks - "I remember coming here when I was little!!" (as in two years ago) You girls still are little, but that is fun that they feel so grown up and feel like they've had so much life experience that they are able to look back and remember when they were little. (Ok, I guess you were pretty little 5 years ago). Natalie showing Peter the ways of the sand table. 
There were no aprons or costumes right now with covid.
It was fun. They were happy that they were able to do their little Lion King reenactment on Pride Rock again (see pic #16) although Peter is getting too heavy.
And I am also glad that we weren't able to just go visit every attraction that the kids felt drawn to. "We need an appointment, we'll go there next time." This will be good for us to plan before hand what we'll do. And here's another photo of today, Peter eating his steel cut oatmeal. 
I LOVE LOVE LOVE how Peter says "Day-doo Mommy" when I give him food or a cup of water or a kiss on the head. It is the cutest thing ever. He gives the best hugs and the best words of thanks. The older kids love it too, and I often point out to them "You know how when Peter hugs your or is sweet and your heart just melts and wants to scream at his cuteness at the same time? Well, that is JOY. That is what we want in life, and you find it in children." Sure, all the Captain Hook complaints are there too, but it's a good trade. You gotta have opposition. I'll take the endless demands he'll make as a 4 year old if it means I get a few more months of hugs and his "Day-doo Mommy"-s. 

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