Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Soccer and Ballet

Yesterday morning on my drive home from carpool - the low hanging clouds looked cool. I'm heading back into the fog. 

Yesterday we successfully applied for their passports. I was picking up Abi and Lily from school when I got a call from the lady who tried to help us on Monday, telling me that the cashier check we had used the day before would not work "so when you come in next time you'll need a separate check with each application..." Yeah, I know, I'm ready this time. Sorry, I was just being stupid, but good news is I was able to get appointment right away, so we're on our way and will be there in 15 minutes! We gave her a wave behind the glass, and were helped by a different lady on Tuesday. 
We did it right that time. Good for us. So now Wes should be able to go to Guatemala in August. 

Today I ran a few errands while Hyrum was home (he has two online classes in the morning) and I went and got some good soccer balls, cause Corey signed up the kids to play soccer. I went to Kid to Kid today (twice) and got a lot of soccer cleats and shin guards for all the girls plus Owen and Daniel, then I went to the DI and found two more pairs for Abi and I. The kids are excited and have been playing a lot in the back yard. 
So Abi, Lily, and Sophi are set to go with soccer, and today I signed up Natalie to take ballet. I told the kids that they can each choose one more activity to do, and we'll see how it goes. I texted a few of Natalie's friends to see where they take dance, and decided to go to Utah Dance Center. She starts tomorrow and she'll be able to join in a Cinderella recital in June, so that's fun. 
Corey making Wes laugh tonight before scriptures. It was a good day, I'm trying to steel myself to be run-around crazy busy again, but the soccer games should be close and just on Saturdays, we're not going to worry that much about practices. Natalie's ballet is close so that is good. There are less kids at home and we're still not doing the Soundhouse yet, so it won't be as busy as it was before with us driving down there several times a week, but still busier than it's been this past year of covid. We'll see how it goes. If it's too nuts, we'll drop some things out.

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