Monday, March 22, 2021

Passport Fail, Longboard, Birthday

We had an appointment this morning to get passports. I had scheduled appointments to get them for everyone who has an expired passport, plus Peter, who has not received one yet. We decided last night to not get passports right now for SN, and OD's passports are current, expire next year, so they're good for a bit. So SN and P will still need one sometime if we decide to go anywhere. The appointment was at 9:30. We were scrambling because I waited until THIS morning to fill out the online application, and print them, but first I had to take carpool, then hurried home and started to fill them out, but our printer isn't working, so I had all the tabs open on my computer of the pdf's ready to print, and gave it to Corey and he stopped by his parents' house to print them while I got ODP ready and in the car then went to pick up WAL from school. So I don't know what I was thinking, but I forgot the check book to pay the federal charges. I remembered that on the way, so Corey went by a bank to get a cashier's check. And when Corey arrived with the printed applications and check, it was then that I realized I also did not bring their birth certificates. So stupid. Like it really didn't even cross my mind to bring those. I guess I thought I was good with the expired passports? I have no excuse. We have gotten passports before, so I should have known better. I'm going to use the "my brain was frazzled 'cause I was focused on getting 6 kids there on time" excuse. But it's really more because of lack of planning. She said they were booked out in mid-April, but I was able to get an appointment tomorrow at 9:45, so we'll be doing all that again within 24 hours, but I shall be better prepared. I already have all the things I shall need ready on the corner of our dresser. It will also be less stressful because I will not have the little kids in tow, cause it's the end of the term so Hyrum will be home to watch them. Yay.

Monday also is violin day. I pick up Sophi and Natalie from school at 3:30 and we head to Holladay for lessons. I practiced a little bit this afternoon but I ended up not trying to pass of Gavotte today. Partially because I opted to ski on Saturday instead of practice, so I still didn't feel I was quite ready, and also because I had all the little kids in tow (SN and OD&P), so they were a little needy so I decided to just play with them instead of having a lesson. Usually I leave them home with one of the older kids, but today Lily had soccer, Hyrum had work, Abi was at a friends house, and W had a lot of homework. Corey came home from work at 4 so he could take Lily to her 4:30 soccer practice - she has that every Monday at 4:30 for the next 9 weeks. We're trying the soccer thing again, this time for Abi, Lily, and Sophi, and Natalie is starting Ballet. I told them that if they slack off with music though, we might not do it in the fall. This is an experiment of family time and schedule management. But music is more important to me long term. I wonder if the pro-soccer teenager that I was would be disappointed to see me now.  So Abi stayed after school today to go to a friends house, now wants a longboard.

This pic above was her favorite picture that they took -

And a few more - 

Trying to get that Instagram worthy shot...

At home after violin, Owen was out riding his bike - he does pretty good!
We took a quick ride around the block together, it was too cold for me after that lap. Owen's bike is a little small and he doesn't know how to change the gear, so he was pedaling so fast to get up the small slope of the street, it was cute. As I made dinner, Abi and I were talking and she mentioned a neighbor names Jules, who goes by the nickname "Juju" and after Abi said Juju, Peter who was sitting at the counter with us, started singing "Baby shark ju ju ju ju ju baby shark ju ju ju ju ju..." and he was singing for like 20 minutes. 

It was so cute and funny.

I sent it to my family in a polo too - 

Peter brings us so much joy, we love him. Such a cutie.

Peter also recorded a nice song for Ethan's Happy Birthday. Yes, today we wish a happy birthday to Elder Wride!! Ethan is 19!!! How crazy is that?!? They are having transfers this week, so we didn't hear from him today cause his P-day (preparation day) is going to be tomorrow. So tomorrow we'll wish him happy birthday virtually and maybe see if he's being transferred. For your entertainment, here is our little singing star Peter singing Happy Birthday to you, Ethan! 

One more picture from last night. I listened to a fireside at our stake with Tad Callister speaking, it was great (The Book of Mormon is true!) and after that I stayed at the computer blogging and stuff (I got 4 posts for February done, yay, I'm always catching up though...) and Corey and the kids started watching some black mamba video of some guy named Dingo Dinkelman and they were laughing and though it was hilarious and scary and that Dingo says really funny things. I enjoyed listening to them laugh. 

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