Sunday, April 25, 2021

As You Are Family Pics

Joseph and Hyrum are leaving tomorrow for Philadelphia, so it's time for a group picture. It was a "come as you are" family photo session, and that means t-shirts was the attire for most of the kids, with jackets and sweatshirts on the teenagers, shin-guards on the toddler, and pajamas on the baby. I might put in the work for formal family picture before Hyrum leaves for his mission in the fall, but for now it was just this quick no-prep at all setting. We did some individual shots, then a group picture, and a few more individuals. 

Corey got all the kids to look at the camera by pretending to hit me on the head with a stick. This also made them smile too hard, but that's ok. I should have had Lily and Sophi be on opposite ends to balance the photo more. Daniel didn't want to be by Wes so we had to swap Abi and Wes, but then Peter looked to small on the front, but P didn't want Abi to hold him... oh the issues!

But again, this was just to get it done before J and H left, kinda like our family picture in Costa Rica before Corey left - it captures us in our raw and natural state. It was important to do while I had these 10 kids all at home for 24 more hours, and to mark this "comings and goings" moment.

I didn't get individual shots of Joseph and Hyrum. Joseph told me to use his pictures that he got taken by a friend recently down at BYU - 

...and Hyrum said he didn't want an individual picture because he already was going to have to have that for his mission photo. He doesn't love photos, mostly cause he thinks he can't smile, and he usually can't when he is trying.... I tell him to just be natural, but when the camera comes out, he doesn't remember how to be natural. After a dozen or so pictures, he settled on this one to submit with his papers. 

So Hyrum's mission papers and done and ready to turn in! Now he just has his interview with our Stake President, and they can do that over zoom, so Hyrum will get that done out in Philly. Pretty exciting! We've got another one ready and willing to go serve in the Lord's vineyard.

Here are the pics of the rest of the kids, from oldest to youngest. Wesley, nice young man - 

Abigail, a lovely young lady - 
Lilian - still petite enough to sport her 3rd grade School House Rock t-shirt from years ago.
Sophia - 
Natalie - 
Owen doesn't really know how to smile naturally either.
Daniel's cheesy grin -
And the hands down winner of the "I am photogenic and know how to smile naturally" winner is the amazingly perfect PETER WRIDE!
Making his eyes slightly more squinty and adorable
Oh Peter, how do you do it?!?! Can you teach your brothers? Hyrum, Owen, and Daniel would all like a lesson. The three brothers. Daniel's messy hair from sleeping with it wet after swimming last night. Yes, I took him to church like that. 
And Yes, Peter wore his pajamas to church under his Sunday pants and has been wearing them all day! This is our natural state! Aren't you just so impressed with us and "how I do it"? Ha! A few more shots of today - 
Owen wearing the Mandalorian paper mache helmet that Wes made, with Peter following him around the house - 
Look, it's the Mandalorian and cute Baby Yoda!!!
Joseph drove his motorcycle up yesterday. We'll be storing that while Joseph is gone. 
Joseph offered to give his siblings a ride on it today, and he spent a while out there giving them each a turn, and then they each wanted another turn. Corey has Joseph's permission to use it while he is gone. And Corey had promised a ride on it every day to each kid who practices. We'll see if that works. Owen was following Joseph's example by giving Peter a ride on his own little bike. Peter didn't really appreciate it.
Abi's turn, and kids waiting for their turn.
Sitting around after family scriptures and prayer, talking about what we will miss about Hyrum.
We'll miss you two Joseph, but you already left before, so we've already done this with you. 
Tomorrow is the beginning of another new chapter for them and our family, good luck boys!

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