Monday, April 26, 2021

Bye Joe, Bye Hyrum

I woke up this morning pleased and surprised that Peter hadn't woken me up during the night. I went in his room to find that Joseph had taken the hit for me. Thanks Joseph. Joseph and little Peter Benjamin -  brotherly love 💕

I wasn't sure if we'd be able to get Joseph up without waking Peter, but he was able to sneak away and Corey, Joseph, Hyrum and I went to play racquetball bright and early before they headed out on their adventure. 
First match was CJ and TH (Corey and Tiff winners) next TJ and CH (Joseph and Corey winners) and then we had to hurry home to take the Fiesta in to Burt Brothers right when they opened at 8 to hopefully get the tire fixed. Hyrum noticed a bulge in the front left tire on Saturday evening. I took the fiesta in while they showered and finished getting stuff ready. Burt Bros didn't have that tire in stock, but there was another brand that they could have in at 1:30. Joseph was hoping they'd be leaving at 10, right after Hyrum got his second vaccination shot at 9:30, but too bad. Some things are a must fix, and this was one of them. Joseph had work to do and took a nap, Hyrum packed away things a little more and played Super Smash Brothers with Owen and Daniel, which they loved. We haven't had the Wii out for a long time! It was one of Hyrum's departing wishes. So be it. But O and D didn't listen to me when I was heading out to take Wes to GTI. I said we could go  swimming after dropping him off, but they didn't care. So I took Wes, P took a nap in the car, back home to get O off to school. Then Daniel wanted to go swimming, so we got ready. Said goodbye to J and H and we left. 

Then I turned around and came right back cause Joseph called looking for the fiesta key, which I still had from when I took the car in this morning. Thankfully he noticed it before we had gotten to the pool. So I ran that home, it was starting to snow a little bit. J and H were finishing packing up before taking the car in to get the tire replaced. 
I checked the weather... appears there is a winter storm warning until 9 pm tonight! That made me worry slightly, as our little Fiesta is definitely NOT a winter car... The warning was for the Wasatch front and the Uintahs... that's where they're headed! I shall pray for them. Bye boys!

So then I took D and P swimming - we changed, got in the pool at 1:45, and then were told that they close at 2pm!!! WHAT! Thus is the learning curve of joining a new facility where I don't know much about how it works. We only had 15 minutes again... just like on Saturday night when we went! Bummer. Daniel took it very well. I did not come prepared for racquetball today, so we just went back home, and that worked out well since we needed to get ready for violin anyway. Man, it was a run run run kind of day. We talked to Mel and Ethan (and Hyrum and Joseph who were on the road) over 
It is really fun to hear these older kids talk to each other, it's funny. I'm glad that they all seem like they are good friends! After violin, we picked up A&L who had walked to their grandparents, then back home for a spaghetti dinner, Abi and Lily practiced for 30 minutes, and then we went to the rec center with plenty of time to swim. I didn't take any pictures, as I was on kid duty, but Peter was brave and put his face in the umbrella water several times and seemed very proud of himself. ALSN went on the diving board most of the time and I was with ODP over at the splash pad area. Kids 5 and under (which is ODP) are supposed to be within arms length of me, which is kinda impossible. I didn't get in trouble that much except for near the end, after we had gone over to the specialty pool to swim, O and D were jumping in there, and then they took off back to the splash pad faster than Peter and I were able to move, and they started going down the slide head first, which is a no-no, and there were 2 life guards and some other supervisor trying to get their attention to tell them the rule. I handed P to Abi and hurried over, and got chastised for not being by them, but then I went and got Peter and I think she understood that I was trying to watch them, it's just that it's 3 toddlers vs. 1 mom, which means I'm going to lose. So then we finished up (it's open until 8:30 on Monday, good to know) and they played racquetball for 20 minutes while I tried to hurry in for a 10 minute interval run. 
Phew! We got home at 9:30, Peter fell asleep on the way home, I think he was wiped out from our busy day of fun. I'm wiped out too. Looks on Life 360 like J&H are spending the night in Cheyenne. Leg 1 of their journey done, tomorrow: Nebraska. Tomorrow is going to be a stay at home recovery day for me, then we'll get out for more fun on Wednesday. 

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