Friday, April 30, 2021

Chewie Sitting

 We are dog sitting this weekend. A cute little Havanese dog named Chewie.

The kids are loving it.
We are babysitting him until Sunday. His owners/family are up in Idaho for their son's wedding. He's made himself at home at seems to be fine, like not homesick for his owners or anything.
But they are a couple with one daughter at home, who is a little older than Sophi, and that's it... so he might be getting an overload of attention.
We took him to a park with us while we went to play soccer with some friends that are on Sophi and Lily's soccer teams. 
He didn't want to play catch with a ball and didn't want to run around either, which is a trait of Havanese dogs, but it left the kids a little confused. He's an indoor dog. 
He seemed glad when we got home and he could take a nap.
His owner Jill said that his temperament is a cross between a lazy teenager and an old man, ha! I thought that was funny. I didn't want him in our room though, so I was diligent about keeping our door closed, cause Corey might still be allergic. I was guarding my door and reading a book, when Peter came up and he fell asleep on me
Cute boy. I was able to sneak away. So the dog was asleep on the couch and the baby was on the floor.
What else... Peter woke up with a dry diaper today, which happens quite a bit, so I got brave and thought we'd try out the toilet. 
I put some underwear on him and totally forgot about it, and he came up and told me he had to use the potty! I was so impressed. He wasn't able to do it though - maybe a bit too much stress for a new situation. After not having success, he stood up and then started to pee on the floor in my bathroom, and then I hurried and sat him down and he finished in the potty, so it was still a good first attempt! Good job Peter! He really liked the book and I think he was a diligent potty training student today.

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