Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Full Thursday

I went to the Museum of Natural Curiosity today with a new neighbor Stephanie. (Their family is still "new" but they've been her for like almost 2 years I think.) So we had a grand time at Thanksgiving Point today with our kids, and we might try to come again next Thursday, and maybe we'll make this a weekly/monthly tradition or "Thanksgiving Thursdays" thing again like I tried 2 years ago, yeah won't that be fun!

We are going to go with their whole family to the Tulip Festival on Saturday too and have a picnic. And we've also invited Father David and Iveth and her kids to come too, so that should be fun. Today we were at the Museum of Curiosity. Peter and Evan had fun in the kid zone, especially rolling the little pit balls down a ball slide, it was cute. 
It is such a great place. I am so impressed with Thanksgiving Point and all of their venues. Peter and Owen sitting in the airplane of the rope course.
Climbing across the rope bridge! 
I've never been up in this part before. I sent Corey a few pictures for inspiration for his cargo net idea. They are thinking it would be fun to have a rope course in the back yard. We wouldn't be able to compete with the set up they have down here, so maybe we should just use their facility instead of trying to make our own.
Climbing around inside. Owen called it "Cuzco's House" cause it did kinda look like a part of the Emperor's New Groove set. 
Peter is cute. 
We had a good time. We were lucky to make it past the gift shop on our way out without the kids having a break down, and then when we got to the car, I didn't have my car key! I had fallen out of my pocket somewhere inside. Luckily we hadn't been all over the place, but I did climb though the rope course... I hoped it wasn't lost somewhere in there. I asked at the front desk first, and thankfully it had been turned in, phew! So we were able to leave and made it back home in time for Owen to go to the bus. Peter had left over birthday cake for lunch, after we sang Happy Birthday a few times.

A few other items and pics from today. We got a notice of a speeding ticket that H got last week on his way to the dentist. $120 gone like that. He paid it without asking for us to chip in. What a responsible young man he is. Natalie had ballet, and she is enjoying it. 

Owen made friends with a boy down the street, who has a car, so that's pretty exciting for O.
Abi had a pool party with school friends - 
Corey and I took Joseph's little motorbike to go play racquetball for an hour. Corey beat me 2 games to 0. We had to fill it with gas on the way home. I felt a little bit like we were going to die, but we didn't, so that was good.

After we got home, Corey and Lily did a little bit of jammin' in the front room

Lily really liked it - here's a little video of them.

I was upstairs doing violin - a little bit with the girls, but more alone than with them. They are still improving though. Little by little we keep getting better. I think it's really fun, I just wish I had more time to practice. I have been doing get at social things and out of the house activities for the kids, but it might be to escape the reality of our home. In a lot of ways, my house still looks like the mess it was 8 years ago in 2013I have not been on top of it, nor do I get up into the mountains for morning walks. Maybe I'm old. 

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