Thursday, April 1, 2021

Delicate Arch

In September 2020, most of our family had our first time visiting the Salt Flats and our first time visiting the Great Salt Lake. Today we had another "I'm a Utah native but never been there yet" first today - we went to Delicate Arch! We have gone to Arches National Park before, but I've never hiked to Delicate Arch. Corey and I did the hike today with Lily, Sophi, Natalie, Owen, Daniel and Peter. It was a first for all of us!

We left for Arches National Park this morning around 10, after a horrible and freezing night's sleep - it was 23 degrees! But it warmed up quickly in the morning, and that's when I decided to face the day. 
I was in a sleeping bag with Peter, and I wanted to keep Peter warm, but I couldn't zip the sleeping back with him next to me, so my back was cold, my toes were cold, but the cold made me not mind other parts being uncomfortable. Corey was so cold and uncomfortable, Natalie woke up saying she was cold and she got in Corey's bag with him. No one else woke up or had to go to the bathroom so that is good. But it was really so so cold and I woke up many times, I didn't think I was going to be able to fall asleep but I guess I eventually did somehow. It was a bad night. We were glad when it was over. Hyrum, Wes, and Abi left early at like 7am to go jeeping with Uncle Mark. We left at 10 to go to Arches. We drove straight to the Delicate Arch Hike. The parking lot was full, but luckily we got a spot. The kids jumped out of the car and ran up a hill and slid down the turquoise dirt
As we started the walk, little Peter wanted to play "stand up" on every rock that was on the sides marking the trail, and I was like "...Uh, this is going to take 4 hours at this pace...." So I walked ahead with the older kids and Corey let Peter explore. 
It was a fun hike and not too difficult. Lily was able to do it in flip flops. The kids liked exploring a big crack in the rock.
They found a good spot to take a nap.
Climbing over and under...
Natalie going too close to the edge. It looked scarier that it was.
Owen playing "Gollum"
Daniel was a "Captain America Ninja" as he jumped around. I let them be free and get a little ahead until we were near the end of the hike where it was a little scary as we went around a small cliff edge. The kids wanted to go touch the arch, but we didn't dare do it with Owen and Daniel with us. We can do that next time we come back (if we are toddler free.)
Group picture - 
I should have taken off the big back pack carried I had on for Peter. So I cropped it to try and squeeze it out - 
Then we did individual shots by the arch - Lily
Natalie -
Sophi -
Owen -
Hiking back down, Peter stayed in the back pack, which was helpful and faster, and he fell asleep. Cute baby.
This cute little girl, Aurora, went jogging past us on the hike up and caught Daniel's attention. He tried to keep up with her. We hiked back down at the same pace with them, and they got to know each other better. They eventually were holding hands...
And Daniel told her he loves her and kissed her hand. At the bottom, we met their family - the Mitchell family from Indiana. Corey told Daniel that he has to get the parents' permission before he starts dating their daughter, ha. It was cute and Daniel was sad to go our separate ways. Maybe someday you two will meet up again -
Then we drove up to the Devil's Garden. There was a fun tall narrow sand hill behind a narrow rock.
The kids had fun playing there, then we walked to the Tunnel Arch and the Pine Tree Arch - 
The sand was amazing!!! So cool and soft, and almost hypnotic as we played in it - 
On our way out, Sophi and Peter sitting in sand again.
We were back at the campsite around 4. The kids had a late lunch. After our horrid night last night, Corey decided to rent a room, so he left to go to the hotel for a bit and get some work done, while I stayed with the kids as they ate and explored around the campground.
We camped at the Datura Campground, very close to the Slickrock trailhead. We are going to go try that tomorrow. Should be fun!

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