Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Moab and Conference Prep

Hey Ethan! Lucky boy, your mother finally sent you a birthday package! It was on my to-do before I gave myself permission to leave for Moab this weekend. 

Daniel helped me run my errand to finish getting treats for inside, and a few items for Moab. It wasn't much of a package, and we transferred a bit of $ into his bank account too, cause he bought a new scripture set last month and I said I'd have that be my main present to him. So, Happy Birthday Elder Wride! We are proud of you! And we'll try to be better at writing emails and snail mail letters. 

One other thing for today - in preparation for General Conference this weekend, I've been reviewing the October General Conference messages, and the one by Elder Lund just breaks my heart every time. It is titled "Finding Joy in Christ". When he talks about his son Tanner Christian, especially what Tanner said about people looking at him when he had cancer....
Go listen to it. I was not expecting what Tanner said. The first time we heard it, I had my own narrative going in my mind as to what Tanner was thinking and what he was about to say, so I was so surprised and immediately the tears started to flow. Wow. Go listen to it. 

Or... here is the spoiler...

"I think it helps people." He was sacrificing himself, putting himself there at church to pass the sacrament, even with how painful it was for him, he did it, because he could tell by the way that people looked at him, that it helped them. What a selfless boy. What a treasure of a person, seemingly gone too soon from all of us to benefit from his wise spirit, but maybe we have benefited by the little legacy he left, which was captured and shared in this conference message. I'm grateful I was able to hear it. It makes me tear up each time I've relistened to it. I just love General Conference. I'm so looking forward to this weekend! 

So we are going down to Moab in a bit, time to go finish packing. Should be fun. Corey got a new tent and new sleeping bags and new air mattresses for everyone. I honestly have been murmuring a little bit about this though, just cause it's hard with little kids. Sure, we're going to go "biking" but I'm sure I'm going to be stuck watching little kids while Corey goes, which is fine. But if I'm stuck watching little kids, I'd rather be at home. I've been in a bit of a fun, maybe I've been trying to store up the mental energy to get me through this weekend. So here we go - we wanted to leave before it got dark so that we wouldn't have to drive in the dark (I hate driving in the dark on un-lit roads) but we're not ready yet and Corey's been working later than planned, but that's ok. Alright, going to go finish up. 

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