Sunday, April 4, 2021

Easter and Conference Weekend

This weekend was General Conference. That means we have a weekend where we sit around for 10+ hours and feast on the Word of God. Sometimes we take notes - here's Peter working on his Primary packet yesterday -

Or we sit around and snuggle on the couch and listen... Here's Hyrum and Peter watching conference this morning: 
We're going to miss Hyrum when he leaves for Philadelphia later this month! He and Joseph leave on April 26th. Corey and Peter listening this afternoon.

"Here dad... You'll hear better if you close your eyes... I'll stick this bouncy ball in your eye to help you."
There are always good memes after conference that Mel and Ethan share with us, or that Hyrum finds.  Hyrum seems to particularly like the Star Wars ones...
I remember this one  a few years ago really made me laugh:
That was something Elder Holland said in April 2016... and I remember when he said that, I was like "oops!" I took some notes, but mostly I seem to remember more when I'm cleaning or working, and with kids we just don't get to sit uninterrupted much, so I just stay on my feet. I don't know which kid captured me in action today, but this is how I usually listen, and this is definitely how I re-listen to the messages - 

My two biggest "I need to do that" moments were first: from President Nelson's opening remarks yesterday where he said for us to remove the debris from our lives. Just like they are removing old pipes and roots from around the Salt Lake Temple as they renovate it, we need to update and renovate and get rid of old traditions or habits or anything that is not serving us anymore. And that went along with my #2 take away - Elder Bednar's talk today about principles of the gospel. I want to make sure that as I get rid of old things that aren't serving me, that when I replace them with new things, I need to make sure that the new things are backed up by and founded upon gospel principles. Those were my two mental take away's. I have wonderful days when I spend them cleaning and listening to conference. And today is Easter. It is wonderful when they both fall on the same weekend. There were especially wonderful messages in the morning session today about the Savior, Resurrection, the Atonement. So it was great. I'm looking forward to reviewing them all and reading them too. I have a goal to really use and write notes in the paper copy of the messages that will come in the May Liahona magazine. A few more pictures - Peter eating dinner tonight - messy lasagna. He is such a cutie.
And another thing from yesterday - our back door has been stuck in the lock position for over a week. I just found out last Sunday, and when I learned it was stuck in locked, the kids were all "yeah, it's been like that for a few days..." And I could not figure out how to fix it. Corey's been busy and so have I, but today Joseph was here and so when I had a free moment, I asked him for his advice. We took off some of the lock pieces, and could turn the inside of the lock, but that did not make the bolt move. So it was stuck good and I didn't know what to do. But then I remembered once when some guys were here fixing stuff in the basement (either after the drain backed up or when we got a water heater replaced... I can't remember) but he had to take off the door, and he did it by closing it and then removing the peg from the door hinge. So we tried that with the back door... We closed it, and with a screw driver and hammer, we popped them up and out and then were able to slide the bolt out with the whole door. Yay! Thanks Joseph! 
So then I had to decide which of our 3 other bolted doors could do without a deadbolt, and I decided on the garage to house door. So that one is just a hole right now until we can go buy another door knob or maybe if we're lucky we can get a bolt that will fit. So that was a weird problem to have, and it's not entirely fixed, but I'm glad that we have use of the backdoor again. It was a nice weekend, it was nice to have Joseph here and have TEN of our kids at home, yay! We missed you Mel and Ethan, we look forward to talking to them tomorrow. I'm really glad that they get to call on p-days, it's great. Now it's time for bed and then to rise and shine tomorrow and make it a great week! 

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