Monday, April 5, 2021

Pirates Play

It's spring break for the elementary kids. It's great that there is nice weather outside. They have enjoyed playing in the backyard. 

They were lost in some pirate game. The kids keep breaking plastic hangers when they need a new hook for Captain hook. I told them no more - we have like 10 broken hooks, you go find one that's already broken - no more breaking new ones!

Natalie examining all the gold treasure!

We got a lot of loot!

And she read to Daniel. Then snuck some selfies on my phone. 

She was feeling well enough obviously that she came to violin. Another Monday, another day at lessons. 

Today I finally passed off Gavotte and so I'm officially done and graduated with Suzuki Book 1. My slurs are still struggling but she said they'll improve as we work through Book 2. So yay me. Sophi and Natalie are doing well too. Sophi is in Book 2 and passing off the Minuets, Natalie is working on Minuet 1. The kids do well at violin, they are usually very busy reading or playing with the toys and puzzles that Miss Amy has. 

It's a good chance for them to get their reading minutes in as they wait for their turn in the lesson.
In other news - our dryer is broken. It's blowing air, but has no heat, so it takes like 6 hours to dry a load of normal clothes. It would take all day to dry towels, so we haven't washed towels for a week and we're running low. I try to run it at night but that is hard because the darn thing SQUEAKS like there is no tomorrow and could keep us all awake all night with its racket. It's been squeaking since we got it. In December during Christmas vacation, Joseph taught his MTC classes in the laundry room and he would study in there, and he was like "Mom, that dryer is horrible..." and it was, I got it for $100 bucks on the classifieds last year  in June, to just get us by for a little while longer cause I still wasn't ready to make the financial commitment for a decent appliance. Another thing that sucks about it is that sometimes on some part of the drum inside, it will snag the clothes or whatever is being dried (it really liked the ear elastics on face masks!) and that would get pinched and ripped as it was stuck on the drum and the drum rubbed past it during the cycle. So yeah, this thing has been bad since we got it. So I am now ready. I've been looking at dryers online on Costco and at RC Willey and on the classifieds (NEW ones on the classifieds) and my #1 priority is one that is big and available now. Things that are out of stock or will take 3 weeks to deliver are out. We need it now. So I've been searching, will search more tomorrow, and plan to get something this week. New dryer is priority #1. 

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