Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Ice Skating, Ticks, Blogging

We went to the rec center tonight. I played racquetball with Peter while Corey went ice skating with the kids. After Peter was bored of throwing balls, he and I went in an joined them at the ice rink. Corey carried him around, then we noticed the sign that forbade such activity, oops. 

So then I went and took Daniel's ice skates off of him. Lily had bought him candy as a reward for going onto the ice rink. He just did it to get the prize, and therefor promptly got off the ice as soon as the candy was handed over. He was sitting at a table eating his Skittles and hardly noticed when I came over or when I removed his skates. They fit Peter well enough that Peter was able to pretend he was skating as Corey and Wes dragged him across the ice.
Wes still kinda carried Peter... 
"Wes! No carrying children!"

Peter had fun. Corey and kids were only there for like an hour, Peter and I joined in for 30 minutes, but it was great. 
They liked having the ice to themselves. 
Corey said that such an ice night would have been a dream for the high school version of himself. 
Wes is ready to take up hockey.

So that was the fun tonight. Let me tell you something super gross from today. First... so Joseph came home this past weekend. He went rock climbing up Big Cottonwood Canyon with a old boyfriend of Mel's. That was on Saturday. On SUNDAY MORNING, as he was getting ready to take a shower, he noticed a FREAKING TICK climbing on his clothes!!! We checked over him and we were all itchy and grossed out after that. WE DON'T LIKE TICKS! I'm sure no one does, but since we have had a family experience of having our personal space violated by a tick via Natalie's head, we really don't like them. So Joseph's tick was Sunday morning. TODAY, Daniel was in his room, I was in there with him folding clothes, Peter was reading a book, Daniel opened this game up...
and then Daniel started to cry cause there was a spider on it. But it wasn't a spider... it was a FREAKING TICK!!!! AGAIN!!!! Like what the heck!?!?!? AHHH!!! We're being invaded!! Are there ticks everywhere? I washed blankets and clothes and I called Moxie to have them some spray inside the house and the kids all want to wear bug spray to bed now, just like the good ol' days in Brazil. We put bug spray on the kids all the time back then, cause the mosquitos were hiding in our curtains and at the top of the bedrooms, so we'd cover our arms and legs every night. Anyway, so I'm freaking out that we had TWO TICKS in our house.
We didn't kill them. We just immobilized them with tape just in case we find more or any of us get bitten and we want to send them all to a Lyme disease lab again. Blech ugh, I hate ticks. 

Last photos... Daniel got a hold of my phone this morning as I blogged. He took like 40 pictures of Peter...
Daniel, I don't need your help taking photos of baby Peter. I'm already very apt at taking an overload of pictures of our favorite two year old.
But in Daniel's photo shoot, he did capture a rare moment on camera. A rare photo of me! This might be the VERY FIRST documented photo of me blogging! This is probably a very important picture, because my blogging has been a VERY important part of this blog! (for obvious reasons) So here it is, captured for the first time... messy desk and all. Thank you Daniel.
Although I gotta be honest, I don't love most pictures of me, including that one. My tummy, my chin... I'm trying to love myself, but I am not happy with my weight yet. I'm trying to work on my mind and feel beautiful. I do like some things about me. Hm... maybe I'm struggling cause I'm 45. I have lost some of my drive. Like in October last year, I just stopped wanting to get up and exercise in the morning. Like I am not going on walks, I'm not getting up into the mountains... and I wonder if there is something wrong with me? Midlife crisis perhaps. I also don't care about exercising as much cause I'd rather practice violin. There are several factors at play, I'm sure. But I'm still working on my mindset and trying to work on my relationship with food and with myself. I still recommend Laura Dixon's podcast. It is helping me, but maybe I do need to join her life coach program to really overcome my diet brain. She did start a new thing that is "just" $1000 bucks rather than the $6000 price when I had a consult call with her in Jan. Or maybe I just need Peter to sleep through the night. 

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