Saturday, April 10, 2021

Soccer and Singing

Here's our weekend report: we all had a lazy Friday morning and most of a Friday-day. A cute picture of Wesley and Peter sleeping in on Friday morning. 

Some of the kids did practice their music, with a few selfies when they needed a break. 

I did a Costco run with Hyrum and some kids and I picked up three more metal shelves for the basement. Corey is working to spruce things up down there and is getting the food storage all organized in a new space (so I need to find a new home for my crafts and unfinished and unstarted projects...). Abi went to the mall with friends. 

That pic made it onto her Instagram, so I guess it's important. I think this is Ella (or Lola)... I'm still trying to get their names straight. 

On Saturday Lily had a soccer bye, so it was just Sophi who had a game. (We still haven't figured out what to do for Abi - the only opening they had was a co-ed 18+ team and she said she was ok with that until she attended the first practice. Then she realized that was a bit out of her comfort zone, so we're seeing what to do...) Sophi did great, she's a good little player! She was a great forward and a good fullback too. She liked forward better cause she wants to score, but she is a really good defender. She stayed back like she should (her teammates usually didn't) and there were a few times that the other team was taking the ball down, and it was just Sophi against two of them, and they were already ahead of her on their way to the goal, but she caught up to them and stopped them and got the ball! I've known that she was a natural since our early soccer games when she was little. So I knew she was good 5 years ago... we probably should have signed her up before now... but better late than never, right Soph? I'm glad we're doing it now. She's already one of the best players on the team.

We went straight from her game to the Suzuki Federation thing. All tuned and ready to go. 
I'm not really sure what this federation thingy was for or about, since we're new to this whole violin thing, but it was good. Then we went to Costco and got 2 more of the metal storage shelves. Corey got them all put together by Saturday night and we're hoping to really get things organized and locked up (via zip ties) down there in the basement. 

While I was gone at soccer and violin, Corey helped Daniel learn to ride a bike without training wheels! 
A little video here - and then I took them to the top of the street and filmed him riding home.

Go Daniel! So last month neither D or Owen could ride a bike yet and now they're both up and biking independently. 
Tonight, after Peter took a bath, I tried to capture him singing "Clean up Clean up Everybody Everywhere" for a minute as we picked up his room. He sings this everytime we put away the bath toys or when we clean up his room. He is a good little helper. 
Another funny things Wesley does with Peter is a new game where he (Wes) takes his (Peter's) nose, then Peter says "My nose!!" and feels his face thinking or pretending that it's gone. Then Wesley asks "Do you want your nose back?" "Yes nose" "Ok here you go..." as Wesley puts it back on. Then Peter says thank you with a "Day Doo Nose." Peter is just so cute. We've also been playing "Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar" and it's so fun. We say "PETER took the cookie from the cookie jar!" and he replied "Moo, Me?" "Yes you!" "Poopy..." "Then Who?" "Mommy cookie jar..." and the game continues. He also sings Baby shark and Happy Birthday and knows his ABCs. Here is another cute video of him saying "Wow I try!" We love his little voice so much. He is so stinking cute!

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