Thursday, April 8, 2021

Farm Country

I took Wesley to his in person GTI class again today - so we left home at 10:25 and picked him up at the Salt Mine, then to the GTI building, and then we went to Thanksgiving Point. I made a schedule for us to visit Farm Country today. It was really fun. Our favorite thing was feeding this sweet little baby goat at the end. He was such a sweetheart! Daniel admiring him - 

Natalie feeding him -  

Sophi feeding him...
Daniel feeding him. 
We loved that baby goat. He was the cutest. He/She... I don't know it's gender or how it identifies. But it was a little angel. Thanks for helping us all feel love today, you sweet baby goat!

So we got there around 11:30. Our appointment wasn't until noon but it was not a problem. We saw the cows, but you can't walk around close to them like before. They were hiding in the shade safely away from all of us. There was a black calf that was very cute. Then we visited some sheep. They were very matted and dirty, but the mama sheep snuggled against the fence when we started to pet her, and I rubbed her ear for a while and told her she is a good mother. Her little ba ba black sheep was super cute but was shy and wouldn't come near to us. The sheep was nice.
Then over to the bunnies. And I started thinking maybe I could be willing to get guinea pigs again? Hmmm. It's really nice not having pets, but maybe the kids need something to love on. I'll think about it and ask Corey. After the bunnies and rabbits, we did a tractor ride. 
We drove over to the movie theater parking lot and then past all the Cornbelly's storage stuff, but I guess we did drive past the horses at the beginning and the end. (but it was still kinda lame). Then we decided to bite the bullet and wait in the line for the pony rides. It was a long wait, and Peter started to moan for the last 10 minutes cause he wanted to ride the horseys, so that was a little painful, but eventually it was our turn. I don't remember the horses names, but she told us. Daniel on his little horse - 
Natalie on the big black horse - 
Owen on a nice looking pony.
Sophi wanted the spotted one - 
And Peter on his little pony. 
He did great holding on as I took a video and all those pictures! 
Two quick videos of our turn on the ponies - 

and Part 2 -

And then we fed the chickens -
And then our final stop was the sweet baby goat that I already mentioned. 
They were cute and small, I could maybe do goats if I had a farm. I'd do goats, chickens, rabbits and guinea pigs. I'd run a "small animal" farm. 
We were all in love with this little guy.

We had a great time at the farm, and visiting Thanksgiving Point has been a fun way for us to spend the elementary kids' spring break. Tonight, as I blogged this, Peter came in and we watched the video of him riding the pony. He was wearing his Spiderman PJ shirt today under his jacket and has really liked Spiderman lately. Wes was watching with us, and then he kept entertaining P while I finished typing stuff, and they started watching this video of Spiderman taking care of a Horse! I laughed - "How did you find that?" Wes said "Peter likes horses... and he likes Spiderman! I just googled it. You can find anything on the internet!" So that was funny.

After we were done at the farm, we came straight home. I told Wes to take the bus to school and he got a ride home with Hyrum. The kids played outside in our pool that I haven't taken down yet. Hyrum and I took the fiesta and van in for a tire check and oil change. I read a book "God Wants A Powerful People" by Sheri Dew while I waited. I've been thinking of Ethan today, he sent a note that he is struggling more now than he ever has, so we're praying for him and sending words of encouragement for navigating struggles of faith. It's mostly about whether things said in his patriarchal blessing will come true, and if they don't, then what does that mean - is it all a lie? We all have these struggles, and when they come, you gotta hold to the rod with one hand, and hold up your shield of faith with the other. As Elder Maxwell said in a talk I studied in preparation for the lesson I taught at church: "There should be no mistaking; it will take both hands!" 

And in final news, I finished blogging February today! Will I ever get current and stay current, I don't know. I will always strive for that ideal, and maybe someday I'll get there.

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