Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Wood Sword Fights

Tonight we had a wood sword battles going on in my bedroom with Wesley challenging his little brothers. Daniel refereeing the game from the bed as Owen takes on his opponent

Then it was Daniel's turn. Ready... and...
They whacked Wesley's fingers a few times pretty hard, Wes was brave to fight toddlers who don't know how to be careful!
Cute kids. Ya gotta love boys. Other than that, it is the last term of the school year. Wesley is moving online this term and going to work with Corey at the Salt Mine. Here they are this morning, up and ready for the day. 

Wesley is still going to attend Seminary in person and his architecture class at the GTI building on most days, so we'll be running him back and forth for those. We'll figure out how to make it work. Another picture of Daniel getting a tan this afternoon next to the cold pool - 
And the most exciting news at home is that - tada! We have a new washer and dryer and they are amazing. Goodbye and good riddance and "thank you for your service" to the old - 
And hello to these new beauties!
Wesley said they look like they have Tron controls. I haven't seen Tron, but Wes said it was cause of the little blue light and the spin dial. 
I am very excited and happy with them, they are so nice and so quiet and the washer is huge inside. Yay

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