Sunday, May 23, 2021

1 - 2 - 3 Little Boys

One little boy
Asleep on a pillow
One little boy on my floor.

(May 19th)

Two little boys
Dreaming dreams together
Two little boys on my floor. 
(May 22)

Three little boys 
Feeling safe together
Three little boys on my floor.
(May 23rd)
Corey cleaning up the house today while the kids watched some church lego cartoons. He vented a bit "Your mom and I are here cleaning, and no one wants to help! No one is getting up! You're all just sitting there!" Silence as he continued to vent a little bit "No one feels guilty that mom and I do all the work around here!" Then Natalie's little voice, as she continued to sit on the couch and looked over at Corey with bright eyes, sweetly and sincerely said "I feel guilty!" That made us laugh, and then she smiled too, it was cute. I trust that someday they will learn to help, and that we will miss not having little boys asleep on our floor.

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