Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Summer Chart

I was brainstorming out loud today as I picked up Wes from seminary and took him to work with Corey. With summer soon to be upon us, I was trying to think of how to get the kids working and being self motivated (reading, practicing, cleaning) without me having to nag. Wesley said that he remembered and liked it when he did the reading chart in Brazil. Hmmm, that's a good idea! And it's also a good idea from a now teenager of something that was positive when he was a young 10 year old. Ok, we'll do that! That should work on my elementary kids! So I made a chart today - 

One chart that the kids can use for reading, practicing, and chores (little place to check off in the top right corner there). If they want to do all 3 things, they'll take 3 charts and work on it, and at the end of the summer they could each be $150 bucks richer. I also remember when I was a kid, probably early teen, my youth group at church gave us a Summer Fun checklist with all these ideas of things to do, and I was very diligent at trying to check them all off with a star sticker. Maybe I'll make a family fun checklist like that too. 

Abi has been home yesterday and today feeling sick - sore throat and super snotty nose. 
It's really bad timing because she is in ballroom and they have a performance tomorrow. She missed the after school rehearsal yesterday but saved up her energy to make it today. She went to school late but in time for Ballroom and then she stayed for rest of school and for the after school rehearsal. She and Wes both got their covid vaccination shots over the weekend, so it might be that, or it could also be whatever Daniel and Natalie had. She felt well enough, though, that she babysat the boys for a little bit while I went to the gym. I went by Smiths on the way home and was excited to see a Ford Fiesta! Hyrum, Joseph! Are you guys in Smiths?!? I guess it doesn't have all the window stickers, darn. 
I was excited to see it though, I miss those boys. 

A few pictures from Sunday - Here is my cute Peter dressed as a soccer lovin' mandalorian 
On Sunday we found a new genre of youtube videos - lego bible videos! The Good Samaratin, Queen Esther, Jonah, stuff like that, fun! I'm a little surprised we hadn't looked these up before. The liked those. The highlight for me was watching episode 5 of The Chosen. I LOVE IT. I love it all. I have no complaints about the Chosen and don't thin I will, I just love it. Such great work all around. 

Yesterday morning I found this in the girls' room by Natalie's bed. So cute. 
"From Natalie to Jesus. I have two dreams. 1) Have long hair. 2) Be good at ballet and tapping. Please have these be true tomorrow." I love it. She is such a beautiful little girl. And also from yesterday - I drove carpool, only one more day and then next week, we're almost done! Then I also took Wes to GTI, and picked him up from GTI, and we had violin and talked to our missionaries and pest control kids. 
H was struggling, Corey talked with him on a separate video call, but Ethan was waiting to talk to Corey, so Corey told H he'd call him back since E has a p-day is over deadline, and then he called back Hyrum after talking with Eth. 
We also went on a quick bike ride at the mouth of the canyon. It was fun. 
Peter likes riding shotgun!
I hope this summer will be filled with a little bit of cleaning in the mornings, a good session of reading and music practice, and then lots of biking, hiking, and swimming fun!

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