Thursday, May 20, 2021

Campaign Posters

Abi decided to run for Student Body Office. She wasn't sure which position to run for, but eventually decided on Commissioner of Activities, which was the same office that Joseph held. Corey helped her make a few posters tonight. This was a normal one - 

Lily was coming up with ideas too, and we liked this one. It reminded us of Napoleon Dynamite for some reason.
The one Abi decided to go with was this:
We all thought it was funny and good sport to make fun of herself by putting this photo of herself in front of her school. Her teeth really needed help! So good job putting yourself out there, Abi, and good luck!

The school year is winding up for everyone else, and Sophi and Natalie have gotten a lot of birthday party invitations. So I thought I'd share what we do for other people's birthday parties around here.
I usually limit my gift contribution to $5 bucks. That's on the low end, I know, but with all the kids and all the parties they are invited to, I had to come up with a policy that won't break the budget. If they want to put in more towards a gift, they are welcome too put in their own earnings. I went by the Dollar Tree to get some more simple things to put in the possible gifts they can give and I got some gift bags too. Natalie had a party today after school, and she opted for giving a treat, a puzzle and come stickers. 

Daniel woke up today with a swollen jaw. He wasn't able to eat his oatmeal because it hurt to open his mouth, so I scheduled a sick visit appointment and took him in. 
Natalie was sick a little bit over the weekend too, so I'm guessing he got this from her, some bug we have going around and that he'll be better soon. I do worry when it's ear infections or swollen lymph nodes, so that's why we went in. Corey ended up having to take Wes to GTI cause that was the time the doctor had an opening, so I took D, Corey took W, and then after the dr appointment we went and picked up Daniel's medicine at Walgreens. They had just had their system crash or something, so they  were behind on getting prescriptions filled and couldn't help me yet, so we went home and killed an hour and to send Owen off for his last day of Kindergarten, and then back down to pick up the medicine with a bucket of ice to refrigerate it in the car, and then off to pick up Wes. In the rush around I had forgotten that I had told Wes I'd made him a sandwich for lunch, so we went by the Little Caesars drive through instead and I got him a pepperoni pizza to get him through the day. I had bought him one yesterday for his lunch too... probably not very healthy for him, but D&P didn't mind having pizza for lunch again. I brought W back to work with Corey at the Salt Mine. So there was a lot of running around to day - to the doctor, to school, to the store, to ballet, to a party, but it was good and I was glad to be able to listen to scripture podcasts. I am loving loving the Follow Him podcast, especially episode #20 and #21 are sooo good. Episode #20 with Lili Anderson here - Part 1 and Part 2, and Episode #21 with Maclane Heward, Part 1 and Part 2. I listened to those in my running around this week and I loved them both. I've told my missionaries and my family and Corey about how great those two episodes, give them a listen! Those are the youtube links, but I listen to them on Apple Podcasts. After I got home, I just sat in the car for a minute to finish listening and I checked facebook while I listened, and if you ever need to get outside of yourself and pray for someone else, the Worldwide Unified facebook group is a great place to go. I saw this post and oh it made me cry. I totally started bawling.
That little 2 year old girl has lost one eye to cancer and her parents are praying and fighting for her to not lose her other eye. Oh it just makes me cry, I'm praying for Candy and sweet little Valeria. 

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