Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Silent To Do List

Last night I listened to this video by the Minimal Mom about "The Silent To-do List" and my goodness, it's totally true! I liked reading the Life Changing Magic back in 2015, and it has helped me in some areas, but I never really did all the stuff she says to do. I organized a few drawers, but I never gathered all my clothes into a pile of clothes to sort through and purge. I'm still holding on to a lot of things that I should probably let go. Well, with this idea of a Silent To Do List, I have been able to sort through it a bit and it was effective. When I let my clothes send me a message, their message is pretty clear. "You don't really like me" "I'm kinda ugly" "I don't fit right" "You have not worn me for 6 years!!!" and hten in unison they cry "Let me go!" and then I said "Ok!" 

So you can just listen to that video, but in a nutshell, the Silent To Do list is the list of to do's that our things in our house give to us, because they are sending us messages all the time. My toilets say "clean me". The stuff on the floor says "pick me up" and "throw me away". My bed says "Make me!" The books on the floor say "Read me to Peter!!" 

("and then put me on the shelf!") And so today I've just been doing the things that my silent to do list has been saying. A few more easy ones as I've just looked around the room - the highlighter on the floor with out a lid - "Hey, your kids left off my lid. They do this with all your markers. I'm all dried out now. Don't let them use me. You need to hide my fellow highlighters! Or atleast don't buy us anymore, it's pointless!"

Another exciting thing I did today was I hired a nutrition coach. I joined a 12 week program with her, and I think it will be good. I'm in a pretty good spot now that I think I'm ready. I've been listening to Laura Dixon since December, but still haven't removed much weight, so I'm hoping that maybe what I need to get to my desired weight outcome is to have someone to hold my hand through it, so here goes. I've been a weight stresser for a long time, then moved for years to a diet and exercise dabbler, and now I'm ready to be an achiever. 

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