Monday, May 3, 2021

Usual Monday

After our crazy day Saturday, Corey had to get work finished that was left undone as he was stranded at Thanksgiving Point. So he went over to his parents at 8:30 pm and worked super late Saturday night - like 2 am. Yesterday was a nice day at home. Chewie's owners picked him up around 3:30. He is a good dog and did the best he could with all of the attention and stress here. Poor pup though... he had some poop stuck in his bum fur. The kids told me but I didn't go see but just told them to leave him alone and we kept him outside for a bit cause the kids said he was still pooping. Turns out he was trying to get the stuck stuff off. Around noon I assessed the situation. I thought all the attention made him a little stressed, which either caused diarrhea or constipation, could have been either. It was stuck on good though, so I did the responsible pet owner thing to do and went to give him a quick bath. I used the kids bathroom, which they were grossed out by, but I was like "YOU guys want a dog? And I'm cleaning this up?" Then they were like "Oohhh.. is this why you don't want a dog?" One of many reasons, yes. So I cleaned him up with my bare hands, it helped, and then he was happy to be allowed back inside and he snuggled up on the couch in the side room with kids as they watched some educational and spiritual movies, I don't remember what. Chewie seemed relieved when his owners came back and he waited for them in the car while we visited for a bit. He's a good dog. But I'm also glad we don't have a pet right now. IF we can ever keep a clean house for a week straight with everyone helping and not just me working like a slave, then we can talk about pets. Today it was back to the grind. Daniel doesn't like bandaids, so he'll be wearing the headwrap all this week to protect his head until he gets his stitches out on Saturday. He looks like a little ninja...

Or maybe he's a 1980s aerobics instructor giving Owen lesson in trampoline-ing.

They have fun on the trampoline. Peter is getting really good too. He holds his balance and stays on his feet pretty well for how much O and D don't slow down to accommodate his beginner level, even though he's down in both of those pictures. Owen caught the bus for school at 12:30, and then I went to pick up Wes from school, then headed downtown to SLCC to get tickets for Natalie's ballet performance, which went on sale today at 12:00. This worked out nice because she and her cousin Jordyn are both performing in the same cast on Friday night, so we met Nancy there to get tickets for all of us together. We waited in line for a while, it wasn't crazy long, just suuuuper slow, and then I took W to the Salt Mine to work with Corey. Then back home for a few to get dinner planned and started (Orange chicken tonight) and then pack up for violin lessons, then to the school to pick up SNO for that. In between that there were a few texts and a voice call with Melodie. (Ethan has transfers so his p-day is tomorrow). I let the girls take my phone to talk when we were on our way to violin. Usually during our calls, the adults are multi-tasking as we talk, and if little kids are on they get very distracted by the video filters. 

Mel and Eth usually seem to like their younger siblings silliness, and I'm sure they enjoy it more because they aren't around it 24/7.

After dinner, we didn't clean up, but we did go to the rec center to swim for an hour. Tomorrow is Suzuki violin graduation for Sophi and Natalie, so that should be fun. Other than that, yeah, just the usual busy Monday. 

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