Wednesday, May 5, 2021

"I Peter", Sales Stink, and Suzuki Graduation

Peter woke up early this morning and so he joined us for carpool to the jr. high. He was feelig pretty cranky and was not being nice to Lily. She asked "Why is Peter so mad?" "He's tired" I replied. Lily looks at him and says "Aww, are you tired?" and he defiantly said "No tired! I Peter! Waaa!" 

Then this morning when I was taking Wes to GTI, he said to Peter "You are so cute!" to which Peter  "No cute. I Peter" Same thing when I asked him recently "Are you hungry?" "No hungry, I Peter!" It's pretty funny. Also, we were looking at his jacket today with it's different colors and tried to learn: blue... orange... yellow... I had on a red shirt, so I pointed at myself and said "My shirt is red!" He pointed at me and said "You shirt... I Peter". He's a fun little boy. Wes had GTI today but decided to do it over zoom, so I took him to work with Corey, at Corey's parents' house, and then we left so that they could work in peace, and we went to a park close to their house to kill time before Owen had to catch the bus. 

It was a nice quiet park and they had it to themselves most of the time. Daniel fell on his bike and scratched his knee yesterday, so he's got another bandage on that. He's looking like a silly kid. We had a phone call with Hyrum today. He's been out there going door to door in Pennsylvania for several days and hasn't made a sale yet. He hit a low today and was feeling pretty sad. Ethan had his p-day today, so it was great having Ethan on to listen to him and help him. Ethan has been there. Hyrum fiddled with some grass weeds. Ethan reminded us of a few videos when he was in California of himself crying on the curb. Ethan had one day of 0 sales, Hyrum's had 3 now, so he was sad.
I looked up where he was on Google maps. He was crying on this curb:
...right there next to the power pole. Poor kid. I told him I'd start a fast until he got a sale, maybe that would help motivate him knowing that I was waiting to eat. Started a fast while we were still talking. Then to twist the knife for himself in his mourning, he said it made a crappy day feel even worse since it was Star Wars Day! He could have been binge watching the Clone Wars or something, but no, he's out feeling like a reject in Philadelphia. Hyrum definitely has a different personality and temperament than E, so just in case this lasts a few days I decided to do a a water fast, just in case. I might modify as needed. 

Tonight I took the four youngest kids to Juan Diego High School for Suzuki graduation. Corey's parents came to support Sophi and Natalie.
I was amazed at all the performers. This one little girl who graduated book 10 was so small I thought like maybe 11 or 12 years old, and she was amazing! I want to practice more so I can be good too. Book 1 students performed near the end of the program. Sophi in the center of the photo below, ready to play Gavotte from Book 1.
She did a great job. 
Here's a video of her performance.
And then it was the Twinkles turn. 
Cute little kids. Natalie passed these off last year, but I forgot about it the night of the performance, doh, so it was good she was able to join this year. 
She's working on the Minuets right now, so she'll definitely be done with book 1 for next year. 
Great job, my little violinists! Owen, are you still going to do trumpet?
Daniel says he might do violin, we'll see what they do. I'm all for violin but whatever instrument they decide is good. A picture with Grandpa and Grandma.
I'm finding music very fun and rewarding and hope my kids do too. 

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