Thursday, June 3, 2021

2021 Grad

Hyrum graduated tonight. 

He flew in from Philadelphia yesterday, arriving here around noon. Today he took his AP Psychology test from 2-5. I bet he was the only graduating senior today that was still doing work up to hours before walking. What a committed student, no? He took that over at Corey's parents house and then got a ride with a friend to graduation. He had to be there 45 minutes early. Corey and I left late but got there in time and didn't miss anything important. We were there to see when he walked in front of the camera... he is the grad right in the middle of this pic - right after the guy with the white V-back thingy.

So once I saw him I was able to follow him and see where he was sitting, and then we were able to wave to each other during the program. 

There are three guys under the "U" and Hyrum is one of the, he's the one on the right. Do you see him?
I got a few pics of him on the jumbotron. It didn't occur to me until now that instead of taking a picture of that picture, it would be better to take screen shots of the livestreamed video recording on youtube. We were easy to spot because we were in the front row with Corey's parents. It was a nice program, you can watch it here. 

Last night I was feeling a little sad for Ethan that he didn't come out for his graduation walk. He had already moved on, and it was almost all virtual anyway, but still I was happy that the 2021 gradation seemed to be pretty normal and I felt a little bad for the 2020 grads. I hope they have an awesome 5 year reunion (that's your job, Eth, as Senior Class President. The 5 year, 10, and 20 year reunions are all on you (I warned him when he ran for that office!) 

So we watched the presentation of the graduates for a while. Hyrum's name was read 22 minutes into the presentation of the graduates, exactly an hour and a half into the graduation ceremony.

(You're welcome for my finding that exact spot for you.) He's a cute kid. He seemed genuinely to enjoy the fist bumps!

I walked over to try and get a closer picture of him. I don't think he saw me.
After he got his diploma he was in a new seat on the front row of the middle section.

Before Hyrum left for graduation, Corey took him to Skyline to get a few cap and gown shots. 

Corey had a picture taken at this same spot 27 years ago with the same... metal "thing". 
I don't know what it is, but it was a gift from some graduating class. And it was there by where we have picked up and dropped off for carpool for the past 4 years. 
Hyrum's class is the first class to graduate that spent their freshman year at Skyline. So they are the longest time attending graduates ever in Skyline's history, so far (unitl next year) ...but they were the FIRST!
This is Hyrum's "I can't pretend to smile anymore... are we done yet" expression.
Ok, yes, you're done.
All the kids were so speedy at turning in their cap and gown that we didn't get a picture of that after the ceremony was over. Maybe cause it was almost 9:30 and all the kids were ready to go party.
So that's good that we got the pictures of him before. 

We gave Hyrum a ride home, he changed clothes, and then his friend Aidan game to pick him up and they headed over to a friends house where they are probably playing video games. 

But his body is 2 hours ahead, so he was pretty tired on the drive home. We'll see how long he lasts. We left the door unlocked. 

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