Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Last Day of School

Sophi, Natalie and Owen finished school last week. Abi and Lily are done today. Hopefully Wes and Hyrum will be done tomorrow. 

I helped host a bridal shower for one of Joseph's BFF's fiance. (Talmage's bride Cami). It was fun, and my first time helping do something like that. I suspect there will be more opportunities like this in the future! I mostly helped with sending out invites, counting the RSVPs, and collecting money for the group gift. It was fun. I bet we'll be there with Joseph soon. Joseph's other BFF Scotty and his wife Xani (who ran for SBO with Joseph) are expecting! I'm excited for them. 

Abi and Lily got their yearbooks yesterday. Lily still went today, cause she had made a poster to give to Ms Reeves (?) who might be leaving. Abi sluffed and spent the day with her friends. 

Here are a few pictures of their fun. They went to Holladay Center and had their scooters stolen by some boys, but they chased them down and got the scooters back. Something like that.

At home, I was talking with Hyrum about how sometimes you feel like a failure and like you don't know what the heck you're doing or how to do it... (I feel like that a lot) and I was sharing this so that we could try to help him do better at sales when he goes back out to Philly. But he might just change from sales and be come a technician. But you have to be 21 to be a technician, so he'd be an assistant technician. But anyway, as we were talking, and I shared how sometimes I feel like I'm failing as a parents, well Sophi heard that, and ever the sensitive one, she wanted to let me know that it was NOT TRUE and that I am a great parent, Corey and I are AMAZING parents! And so they made this poster for the front door. Super cute. 
Thank you Sophi. I probably do an ok job, but it's also ok to be honest when you are struggling. I hope I can demonstrate that. Be positive - be grateful and humble about your blessings and face trials with courage. 

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