Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Grateful for Corey

Last night Corey let us know that he wanted to take us all out to eat for his birthday today. He likes to do that on his birthday. The kids were very excited. Abi wouldn't have been able to go to dinner cause she had to babysit in the evening, so we all went out to lunch. Corey wanted to take them to the Original Pancake House.

We told the kids they were being tested to see if we could take them out to eat at a normal restaurant (aka not a buffet, like the Chuck a Rama feast of 2019). Here, at a normal restaurant, we sit.... and quietly visit.... and patiently wait for our food. The little kids started blowing bubbles in their chocolate milk and were close to not passing their test. 
When they took our order, we weren't really keeping track of who said what and we didn't notice that Sophi ordered two things, and each thing was huge and came with a side of pancakes and eggs, so it was an obscene meal, similar to the Black Bear Diner birthday feast of 2012.
Like enough to feed us for the whole day. Good news is I probably got out of making dinner (not that I do a great job at it anyway lately). Today was Ethan's p-day so he got to call, and Mel got to call again too, cause they get to call us on our birthdays!
I did a little facebook post and shared some of the scrapbook pictures I took on Mother's Day when I was looking through scrapbooks. It was fun to look at all these pictures again. Some of my favorite pictures are of Corey sleeping with our babies. Here with little Lily - 
And during one of the first few meetings with Lily when he was trying to discern her name. "You can't just pick a name like you would for a dog! She already has a name... It has to be revealed!"
If dad's taking a bath, everyone wants to take a bath - He's loving it, can't you tell?
Letting Abi beat up on his face. 
Family pictures December 2006
Corey picked up Joseph from the kindergarten bus stop once in the Darth Vader costume (just one of many of my illogical purchases)
Sledding with Hyrum at Joseph on the small Wyview hill by our student housing apartment.
Taking Melodie on a date to a BYU dance, she was thrilled and was the prettiest girl in the room.
Reading with kids - 
Spring 2005 reading the Bear Snores On - Corey played the bear part very well and little Hyrum was slightly terrified of this book if you can't tell by his concerned expression (they were almost at the part where the bear was going to wake up!) Sometimes Hyrum would hurry and shut the book when they got to the page before that moment, it was really funny. One of our fond memories of little Hyrum.
Taking the kids bowling at the Wilkinson Center.
I'm amazed with how much Corey did then with the kids when he was getting his MBA. He's pretty incredible. Teaching Ethan to ride a bike - using Mel's bike.
Showing Joseph how it is done. Ethan on the trike. 
Corey and Hyrum helping with the dishes.
Taking the kids swimming sometime during a Park City stay. 
Teaching the kids how to make rainbow crepes.
Joseph's turn - mixing the blue batter - 
Inspiring in Ethan a love of music. 
Corey is pretty amazing and I sure love him. See last years birthday post for some fun Corey stories (or this 2012 hilarious one that I mentioned yesterday, so funny). Those capture a bit of his awesomeness in action. I know how incredibly lucky I am to get to share my life with him. I’m so grateful for him and am stoked to be with him for my whole life and for ever and ever after that.

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