Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Rappelling, Spies, and a Waterfight

Next Monday Abi and Lily will be leaving and will be gone all week at a girls camp. They are going to Zion's National Park at the Ponderosa Campground. They are going to be doing some rappelling and stuff, which will be super cool and fun for them! Tonight they went up Big Cottonwood to practice and they said it was great. Abi said that she went on "the biggest one" and it was so fun.

The biggest one was a 60 foot cliff. Lily went on the biggest one too. 
Here is a group pictures of some of girls that are heading out next week. 
(They have such good leaders to sent me pictures!)
Lily going down again -
Tonight we also had Corey's birthday cake. The kids were all stuffed from lunch yesterday, and we had our leftovers for dinner, so I decided to save the cake for today. We tried waiting for Corey to come home from work, but even after he got home he was super busy and didn't get a chance to come for a picture and eventually the little kids were done being nice and trying to wait for him, so we sliced it up and served it out. Corey didn't want to eat cake anyway, so it was ok that we had bad manners and ate the birthday cake without the birthday boy present.
And Corey also gave us a good lesson at scriptures tonight. It was something he and Abi had been discussing earlier this week - he talked about our lives and what it is that influences us - is it nature or nurture? Some things are influence by both, but ultimately what we become depends on what WE CHOOSE.
I went on a bike ride tonight, it was a lovely sunset. God is an amazing artist. I bet it's fun to paint a sunset every day!
A few more pictures from Corey's birthday yesterday - I've been a little frustrated this week with the kids. They aren't contributing very well to help our stadium run smoothly. They're just playing the part of the crazy fans that go nuts and just want to party. When I came into my room for a moment of peace and quiet, they came knocking and telling me to take a picture of them. I told them to go away, but they kept knocking. So I gave in, opened it up, and here they are playing some 6 legs turned 4-legged race. 
Shortly after that, they moved on to a game of spies. When Corey's parents came by and we had a little visit outside. I came up to my room to grab my phone so I could take a few pictures. I had to crawl through a spy maze of laser lights to get to my phone. Then I army crawled my way back out. Kinda fun and funny, also a little annoying. 
Corey, I know it looks like the kids were throwing you a birthday party in here with ribbon streamers as decorations, but it was actually just an intense game of spies. These are laser beams. They used door handles, drawers, and our floor scale to wrap the ribbon around. They had to do it in here because ours was the only room clean enough to do it. They've already trashed the rest of the house. They were very thorough with their ribbons. Back outside for a few birthday pictures. We pulled out two lawn chairs and they sat in their car.
Their car could also be known as the birthday party van. 
Then somehow a waterfight started. I wasn't paying attention to what brought this about, but I bet it was that Corey got out the water guns. Daniel, Natalie, and Owen hunting down Corey ~
Eventually the hose came into play and everyone was soaked. 
The kids got soaked and they got Corey a little bit wet. I had Peter as my baby shield so I kept sitting in the chair and we didn't suffer too much from any friendly fire. 

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