Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Longer Birthdays

My mom came over today with birthday wishes for Wes and Lily. There was a delicious small cake for Lily and an ice cream cake for Wes. We sang to Lily first. 

Lily had been at Isa's house and so Isa came over with her when I told her my mom had come. My mom had brought re-lighting candles, so after Lily blew them out they lit up again!

It took a few finger pinches of water to get them out for good. It was funny. Then it was Wesley's turn. 
We had a few more kids come home with neighbor friends and we were glad, because we had plenty of cake to share. Wesley is ready to take on the relighting candles. Let's show them who's boss!
There was a lot of smoke but Wes finally got them out.
You ready for cake, Peter?
Most of the kids went out side to enjoy their cake. Wes and Lily stayed inside to open presents
I hope it was fun for them to have their birthdays last longer! I hope these two don't mind sharing their birthday celebrations sometimes, cause it tends to happen when your birthdays are just a day apart. 

Tomorrow is Wesley's last day of driver's ed, yay, so then I will have my mornings back. Abi had a flute lesson, and I ran to Costco while I waited for her. Her lessons are 45 minutes now instead of 30, but she only had a 30 one last time, so we added that 15 minutes on to today, so she had an hour. That is a more reasonable time to run errands instead of 30 minutes, so that was good. I went to Target quickly and then Costco for drinks for bbq tonight, and peaches to get us through the week. Sophi's soccer team had a bbq at her coaches house at 6. We were a little bit late. 

The kids were interested in his chickens! Everyone went in to help feed them in the chicken run. Hi Peter.

A quick rainstorm blew through and moved everyone inside. Daniel enjoying his hotdog and using very good table manners, ha.

The girls on Sophi's team and all of their parents seem super great and nice. It was good to get to know them a little bit and to try to put names to faces.

Two last items - Hyrum has been texting from Philly - he has an ingrown toe nail. I gave what advice I could and we are praying for his quick recovery. And today I joined Laura Dixon's program, check my exercise blog for updates on that. I read the contract very carefully - I'm going to do it right this time, and am feeling hopeful. I feel like my weight is like my house - I can get off the weight or get my house really clean sometimes, but it hasn't been permanent yet, and I'm ready to learn why and end the battle with my weight for good. I'm trusting as I learn my thoughts I'll be able to end the wrestle with clutter too. 

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